New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

ding disinformation such as Sputnik and subsidiaries, including Sputnik Arabic, Russia Today and subsidiaries. 4. The Cybersec Forum in Katowice Finally, it is high time to discuss the event that took place in Katowice on 21/22 June this year. 712 It was an annual public policy conference on the strategic aspects of cyber security related to the global technological revolution. 713 Although this topic is of marginal importance for the key deliberations, it shows how important the situation in Ukraine is in the context of the global economy and politics, including Poland. In particular, one has in mind here operations related to cybercrime. It should be noted that among the measures discussed at the forum were projects proposed by the Ministry of National Defence. For example, there are some interesting solutions aimed at youth. At the Military University of Technology, the number of places on the cryptology and cyber-security course was increased fourfold. In addition, a programme called ‘CYBER.MIL’ with a class’ has been launched even before Europe embarks on the path of armed conflict, as early as April 2020. Its main aim is to educate future cyber security experts. Schools interested in participating in the programme were able to apply to set up classes at their institution with a special profile that prepares them precisely for work in military and technology ministries. This mainly involved running classes with extended teaching profiles in mathematics and computer science or physics, as well as teaching and educational activities in the field of national defence. 714 Leaving aside the military and economic aspects, which were also not absent from the Katowice summit, it is worth looking at the functionality of the idea of betting on the education sector in the context of the fight against cyber attacks, emphatically highligh ted at the event. This trend is undoubtedly positive due to the shaping of the system to provide cyber security as some kind of complete and organised mechanism. It is also important to shape values and influence the perspective from which young people view today’s reality. However, the disadvantage of such a policy may be the lengthiness of the process itself. Thus, while the system developed may be an answer to future ceberconflicts, the solutions to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict must be found elsewhere.

712 ‘ECCC to be present at the CYBERSEC Forum & Expo 2023, 21-22 June in Katowice’ ( ECCC , 13 June 2023) accessed 16 December 2023. 713 ‘About Leitmotif 2023’ ( CyberSec ) accessed 16 December 2023. 714 Korsak E, ‘Polska rozwija cyberobronę’ ( Polska Zbrojna , 22 June 2023) accessed 16 December 2023.


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