New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

6.2 S ecuring the P ost -P andemic W orld : W hat is a C ure for I nfodemia ?

By Michał Byczyński (University of Lodz)

Introduction In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, an avalanche of unfounded claims has swiftly inundated social media platforms. These assertions encompass a wide array of untruths, including dubious allegations regarding the virus’s origins, deceptive health- -related information, and rumors designed to sow uncertainty about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. The Vice-President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency has formulated the term “coronavirus infodemic” to describe this disturbing scenario, un derlining how false or misleading information has caused serious damage to public health, cast a shadow on the economy and undermined the response of government authorities. The creation of deceptive information, which may closely resemble traditional news content in appearance but lacks the same organizational principles and motives, has wielded an alarmingly disproportionate influence over the way individuals perceive real- -world events and make political choices. This phenomenon can be primarily attributed to the wide-reaching manipulability of information across the broader internet landsca pe, particularly on social media platforms. The adverse consequences are not confined to any specific category of false or misleading information, often termed “misinfor mation”, but are of greatest concern when such information is deliberately generated and disseminated with the explicit intent to deceive the public, a practice known as “disinformation”. This is deeply disconcerting because the ability to exploit online com munication channels has evolved into a potent instrument for information warfare and foreign interference, enabling the manipulation of information for deceptive purposes. This article investigates the multifaceted challenge of infodemia 717 encompassing the role of misinformation in eroding human rights, the potential solutions offered by in ternational law, and strategies for promoting reliable information (part 2, 3, 4 and 5). Additionally, it explores the application of AI and machine learning techniques in iden tifying and countering infodemia (part 6). The research methodology involves a thorough review and analysis of existing litera ture, reports, and documents pertaining to the topic of infodemia, with a focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and misinformation surrounding it. Key sources include acade mic publications, reports from international organizations, governmental statements, 717 For the purposes of this article infodemia (synonymous with ‘ infodemic ’) should be understood as a state characterized by the pervasive influence of misinformation and disinformation on individuals’ lives, resulting in a harmful impact. This state often involves the rampant spread of falsehoods, manipulation, and misleading narratives, affecting various aspects of society, from public health to human rights and international relations. Misinformation and disinformation should be perceived as causes of infodemia in this context.


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