New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

development and implementation process that operate cooperatively, share ideas and human capital. 835 There can be noted an approach to distinction the AI technologies into two main groups, this distinction is proposed by the IDF. The first category includes the technologies which replace “hard workers”, which includes the systems allowing automatic decoding, automatic translation and other extremely time-consuming tasks. The other category includes systems which help humans to make decisions and that are in some cases capable to take autonomous decisions about the tasks, and also the technologies which are capable of planning and forecasting. 836 Many technologies are influenced by the AI and sometimes other technologies are required to enable or support application of the AI. These are some of the most relevant technologies: robotics, swarms, human-machine interaction technologies, brain-machine interaction technologies, big data systems, super-computing systems, quantum computerization systems, cloud computing systems and 5G networks. Robotic devices have existed since 1960s. 837 Current robots are able to analyse new situations, examine the environment and act accordingly, some are even able to relate to human emotions. AI is an important component of these robots as it works as their “brain” because it controls the physical part of the robots which are able to perform wife range of missions and tasks including autonomous driving, transporting goods, manufacturing products, cleaning and many other tasks in various fields. Robotic systems became increasingly autonomous, and their potential is still growing, therefore their use is connected with complex legal and ethical issues. 838 Israel already in 1960s and 1970s used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) / drones for photographic purposes and for information gathering. In the Second Lebanon War in 2006 the drones played significant role. Israel is one of the main leading countries in the UAVs market as well as is one of the leading countries in developing, producing and sing other unmanned systems, some of them enjoy a level of autonomy. These systems include unmanned patrol vehicles, ground robotic systems, loitering munitions such as the Harop and the Harpy. 839 Israel is also focused on the autonomous automotive industry, on development complementary technologies for autonomous systems, such as sensors and navigation systems and Israel is also involved with testing of autonomous vehicles. 840 When it comes to the right to life, the autonomous weapon systems (AWS), which fall into the above-mentioned category of robotic systems, obviously represent very serious risk. The AWS can be used on the battlefield and have various applications, ranging from defence systems to systems for conquering and attacking targets on land, air and sea. These systems are lacking human compassion and sensitivity. The international

835 Antebi, c. d. pp. 83–85. 836 Antebi, c. d. pp. 47–48.

837 While the word “robot” was first used in 1920 in science fiction play R. U. R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) written by Karel Čapek; the author of the word was in fact his brother Josef Čapek who suggested using this word to describe the artificial workers. 838 Antebi, c. d. p. 53.

839 Ibid., p. 87. 840 Ibid., p. 88.


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