New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

health systems. It can improve the efficiency and safety of transportation; and finally, it can encourage energy efficiency and improve the understanding of climatic changes. 863 3. Some insights on the impact of the new technologies on protection of human rights and the human rights protection in the perspective of Israeli National Security concept The final chapter is aimed at pointing out some areas of possible impact of the new technologies operating on the basis of AI on human rights. The Israeli National Security Doctrine (INSD) is a concept focusing on protection Israeli citizens (and their human rights) and the state from its internal and external security threats, including hostile states and terrorist organisations. Nevertheless, this Israeli National Security concept is not completely unique. As a comparison there can be noted for example UN concept of national security which includes economic safety, food safety (preventing famine and lack of food), health safety (preventing diseases, avoiding food contamination, malnutrition and lack of access to basic medical care), environmental safety (preventing environmental damage, depletion of resources, natural disasters and pollution), personal security (preventing physical violence, crime, terrorism, domestic violence, child slavery), community security (applying measures against ethnic, religious and identity based tensions), and political security (taking measures against political repression and human rights violation). 864 The Israeli National Security Doctrine was accepted by a government committee led by Dan Meridor in 2006 and later on adopted by the minister pf defence Shaul Mofaz. 865 The INSD has 4 main areas which are: “ Ensuring the survival of the State of Israel and protecting its territorial integrity and the security of its citizens and inhabitants ; Protecting the values and national character of the State of Israel, as a Jewish and democratic state and as the home of the Jewish people; Ensuring the State of Israel’s ability to maintain its socioeconomic strength, like any other advanced country; Reinforcing the State of Israel’s international and regional standing and seeking peace with its neighbours.” 866 This program might be relevant to the issue of the human rights protection and the use of the new technologies based on artificial intelligence in several aspects. It, for example, explains why the cyber security became the key factor of the highest degree in the military concept of deterrence, defence, and attack. The IDF strategy includes four basic aspects which are relevant to all military actions, these aspects are attacking, defensive, assisting and enabling. Therefore, having technological superiority with AI is crucial for the State of Israel. AI has been used in aerial defence systems. 863 Antebi, c. d. p. 75. 864 Human Security in Theory and Practice, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 2009 accessed 21 October 2023. 865 Just as an interesting note, it can be mentioned that this concept was never approved by the entire Israeli government. Meridor D and Eladi R, ‘Israel’s National Security Doctrine: The Report of the Committee on the Formulation of the National Security Doctrine (Meridor Committee). Ten years later.’ ( INSS , 2019) accessed 21 October 2023. 866 Ibid., see also, Sheer S. c. d. pp. 17–18.


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