New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

increase supply and lower prices. That could lead to growth in private consumption and that will encourage the expansion of the global economy. 874 At the same time it could cause that some professions might disappear from the job market, which might be currently relevant to the workers in the fields of knowledge and information, who might be replaced by AI. The employees, in order to succeed in the labour market, might need to become more flexible and there might emerge a need to develop new skills and ability to adapt to the changing reality. This might be a challenge for developed countries, including Israel, because they might become required to change their approach to education and employment and to create systems which will enable lifelong learning and development. The state support system and the laws of employment might also need to adapt to the new reality in order they are able to support various population sectors and their needs. 875 It is possible to debate whether in several years the AI software will be able to perform better work than people. For example, in connection to writing and translating text, this might not be that far away in the future as far as of for example the Chat GPT software. These technologies might therefore have both, pros, and cons in connection to right to work. On one hand it could cause a crisis in the area of human occupation. There could be created completely new professions and forms for work, these technologies have a great benefit for those who prefer to work remotely. But on the other hand, these technologies might have a negative impact to the right to work of those who perform manual work and who are unable or not interested to change their career. These technologies might have, in the future, the capability to replace some manual workers. Still, it is probably unlikely that these technologies would in the near future eliminate or endanger a significant percentage of manual workers. The technologies might also have a great impact on the right to an adequate standard of living, on the right for the continuous improvement of living conditions and on the right to achieve the highest attainable level of physical and mental health . The robotic technologies which are currently being developed and which operate based on artificial intelligence and brain-machine interaction might significantly improve the quality of life of disabled persons, persons who suffered injuries. These technologies could help these people to be much more independent not only in the area of personal care and hygiene, but in general, these technologies could help the disabled people to enjoy similar quality of life comparable to healthy persons, so the people might not have to rely on the assistance of care takers. As stated above, it is rather unrealistic that these technologies would massively substitute the human work in the near future. And even if this might happen in the more distant future, there might still be need for the presence of the human care takes as the recipients of the social services might prefer to continue having the possibility of interaction and communication with the human beings, so the care takers could provide the emotional comfort and companion, while the machines could do the “hard work”.

874 Hawksworth J, ‘AI and Robots Could Create Many Jobs as They Displace’ ( World Economic Forum , 2018) accessed 21 October 2023. 875 Antebi, c. d. pp. 110–111.


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