New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

We observed that those definitions agreed on two main observations that could define the DT, which are: first, DT is primarily related to entities or organizations. Second, there are remarkable differences with regard to the types of technologies 141 involved as well as the nature of the transformation taking place. 142 There is some confusion between Digitization, Digitalization and Digital Transformation. Even if the three concepts are connected with technology, such confusion should be removed. Digitization is about how to convert from analog to digital format, while Digitalization is considering the Automation of business processes. Nevertheless, Digital Transformation is related to creating a digital sector or entity. Overall, ICT should satisfy people’s needs. Most People now are using the technology in their daily life. Therefore, ICT is not just a business issue, it is a policy issue. In fact, technology is a policy maker.

Figures 2: The UN local government body, GSMA intelligence ITU, GWI, EUROSTAT 2021. Importance : The strategy of implementing DT in various spheres of public life is one of the guarantees of protecting the rights of citizens and their welfare. It is mainly used to simplify the interaction between the justice actors and facilitate accessibility, legitimacy, and legality. Numerous Countries are actively integrating this technology into their economy, industry, social and other fields . 143 Currently, we can state the onset of a new revolution in the Society, in which all areas of activity are transformed into a digital format, where the largest amount of labor and capital is spent on new innovative technologies. 141 Horlacher A and Hess T, (2016) What Does a Chief Digital Officer Do? Managerial Tasks and Roles of a New C-Level Position in the Context of Digital Transformation. In 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (pp. 5126–5135). Koloa, HI, USA. 142 Andriole 2017, Five Myths about Digital Transformation . 143 Gaivoronskaya Y, ‘Digitalization risks and threats’ (2020) 8 Advances in Law Studies 25, pp. 25–32.


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