New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

Figure 3: Global Level of IT Equipment in Judicial Systems CEPEJ 2022 Most governments and countries are currently seeking to create the most appropriate or favorable conditions for technology growth and a suitable environment for innovation . 145 Some researchers suggest creating a conceptual agreed model of the successful e-justice system . Other literature analyzes the steps adopted by the European Union aimed at the use of DT in the judiciary in all its potential. 146 As a set of public values, not just as a set of services, a comprehensive assessment of cyber-justice is being adopted considering the broad sense of justice . Finally, no one can deny the importance of using quantitative analysis in the legal field . 147 It can be inferred that e-courts have their own future and it isn’t so distant and very promising.

145 Albarello F, Pianura E, Di Stefano F, Cristofaro M, Petrone A, Marchioni L, Palazzolo C, Schininà V, Nicastri E, Petrosillo N, Campioni P, Eskild P, Zumla A, Ippolito G; ‘COVID 19 INMI Study Group‚ 2019-novel Coronavirus severe adult respiratory distress syndrome in two cases in Italy: An uncommon radiological presentation’ (2020) 93 International Journal of Infectious Diseases 192. 146 de Abreu MJ, ‘Acts Is Acts Tautology and Theopolitical Form’ (2021) 64 Social Analysis 42. 147 Quattrocolo S, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Modelling and Criminal Proceedings: A Framework for A European Legal Discussion (Springer, 2020), p. 170.


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