New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

2.2 Incoming cases before Administrative Courts The number of incoming administrative cases per 100 inhabitants is typically far lower compared to other case types.

Figure 6: Incoming cases in the first instance Administrative Courts (2016-2018), Source: ( Stata CEPEJ ).

Figure (6) refers to the number of incoming first instance Administrative cases per 100 inhabitants in 2016-2018. The median of incoming cases in European jurisdictions is 0.3 per 100 inhabitants in (2016) and (2018), whereas the average value decreased slightly from 0.5 in the same period. 154 Nevertheless, Montenegro, Russian Federation and Sweden recorded more than 1.0 incoming cases per 100 inhabitants. Interestingly, Montenegro and Sweden faced a significant increase compared to the previous cycle, by more than 100% in Montenegro and almost 30% in Sweden compared to 2016. Additionally, more than (7) States and entities reported from 0.5 to 1.0 received cases, while the remaining 29 received less than 0.5 administrative cases per 100 inhabitants in 2018. 2.3 Incoming Cases before Criminal Courts. The number of incoming Criminal cases per 100 inhabitants is, contrarily to other case types e.g. Administrative, far higher.

154 See, .


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