New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

in South Africa was a disability discrimination suit. Ms. Muller, a South African lawyer who uses a wheelchair 2004. The lack of free legal aid available to persons with disabilities, here, technology can be help. EX, in the USA, Pro Bono Net, and Microsoft are developing a prototype portal that allow people to communicate naturally and receive help in a comfortable “chat” format tailored to their specific needs and abilities. Also, it must be taken into account that in criminal trials, attendance and participation in the hearings sometimes could have a greater impact on the outcome of the case than in E-courts, by investigating the truth and better expressing the facts of the dispute mentioned in memorandums which affect on the quality of judgments issued in those disputes. For example, the judge’s questioning of the accused and the witnesses in person could be more effective and have a significant impact on the progress of the case. To succeed, Digital Justice must remain human above all. The prospect of „Digital Justice“ raises numerous fears: fear that electronic exchanges will replace face-to-face exchanges (Justice without hearings), or fear that the tools of artificial intelligence replace the work of judges (predictive justice, etc.), for example. We must respond to these concerns, without depriving ourselves of interesting tools, but by reaffirming fundamental requirements, whether in terms of exchanges between trial actors, judicial work, or open data and artificial intelligence. To conclude, the good management of the technology is a significant issue. In other words, the digital transformation (DT/ICT) of the judicial systems or the “ digital justice” shouldn’t be feared, but it must be managed.


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