New Technologies in International Law / Tymofeyeva, Crhák et al.

and numbers are above 90%. 240 In comparison, a decline in Europe and Central Asia is somewhere around 18%. Such a plunge does not mean 70% of life disappeared. It means “only” populations (biomass itself) have shrunk. 241 Another study has also shown alarming results. So far, we believed, only 28% of life on earth is threatened with extinction. However, the study shows these numbers go up to 48%, 242 and only 3% of species show signals of recovery. 243 Except for the latter, all the above numbers keep rising. The indicated numbers demand a quick response. On the other hand, we need to point out that “only” 1.7 million species have been discovered so far. 244 Some sources report higher numbers up to 2.13 million, but there is an assumption that 20% of it is made of duplicates and synonyms. 245 But we still do not know how many species are on earth in total, and even the assumptions are a wild guess, something between 3 million to 100 million species (some scientists claim it could be even 1 trillion species 246 ). 247 To connect the above with technology, we would like to quote Tanya Steele, chief executive at World Wide Fund for Nature UK, who said: “The climate and nature crises, their fates entwined, are not some faraway threat our grandchildren will solve with still-to be-discovered technology.” 248 That being said, it is the technology of “today” which should save tomorrow. But what are the numbers behind technology? We are not able to assume the number of investments regarding the specific technology concerning biodiversity itself. Only a more general assumption is possible. In general, investments in “green tech” are increasing annually. In 2021 it was globally approximately 755 billion U.S. dollars (still only one-third of what is necessary to eliminate net carbon emissions by 2050). 249 In comparison, in the USA itself, investments in IT crossed the one trillion U.S. dollar mark. 250 For example, so-called 242 Finn C, ‘Global loss of biodiversity is significantly more alarming than previously suspected’ ( Queen’s University Belfast , 23 May 2023) accessed 1 November 2023. 243 Ibid. 244 Tangley L, ‘How Many Species Exists’ ( The National Wildlife Federation , 1 December 1998) accessed 2 November 2023. 245 Almost half of all the species consist of insects. 246 Lennon JT, Locey KJ, ‘Earth may be home to one trillion species’ ( ScienceDaily , 2 May 2016) accessed 2 November 2023. 247 Ritchie H, ‘How many species are there?’ ( Our World in Data , 30 November 2022) accessed 2 November 2023. 248 Greenfield P, Benato M, ‘Animal populations experience average decline of almost 70% since 1970, report reveals’ ( The Guardian , 13 October 2021) accessed 2 November 2023. 249 Relander B, ‘Investing in Green Technology’ ( Investopedia , 31 July 2022 accessed 2 November 2023. 250 ‘Information technology (IT) investments worldwide in 2021, by country’ ( Statista ) accessed 1 November 2023. 240 Ibid. 241 Ibid.


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