Truly Tan Baffled

pacing around. ‘Was it a peace sign, or a daisy, or…a hex? ’ ‘It was a tree branch,’ says Gloria. ‘What?’ ‘It was the shape of a tree branch,’ says Gloria. ‘That’s the only way I can describe it. A dead tree branch.’ ‘So theWindrustle sisters have dead tree branches painted across their attic wall?’ ‘And across the windowpane. Affirmative,’ says Gloria. ‘Weirdly weird,’ I say. ‘Exactly,’ says Gloria. ‘What do you think it could mean?’ ‘I have no idea,’ I say. ‘But one thing’s for sure, we definitely need to investigate.’ ‘My thoughts precisely,’ says Gloria. ‘Anything more to add?’ I say. ‘Negative,’ says Gloria. ‘I have to go now. Mum’s calling. I think there’s pudding.’ ‘Roger dodger,’ I say. ‘Over and out.’ ‘Duck duckmoose goose,’ says Gloria. ‘Over and out.’ We hang up the Spy Phone. I pace around HQ, flicking my Spy Torch on and off, on and off. My cat, E, hisses at me and I jump. I didn’t even know he was in here. His big green eyes flare in the torchlight.


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