Truly Tan Baffled

‘I updated my Spy Files last night,’ I say to Gloria as we shuffle into the school assembly hall. ‘Nice work, partner,’ says Gloria and she gives me a high five. ‘Did you add my observation to the Journey’s End file?’ ‘Correcto-diddly-o. I even opened a new spy file. Operation Windrustle. ’ ‘Great minds think alike,’ says Gloria. ‘I knew you’d do that. Oh, Tan. You should have seen the creepy shapes, and the staring face, and the stone flamingo, which is still as harrowing as ever. The entire episode gave me nightmares. But most of all it was those shapes that got me worried. What was the purpose of them?’ Thump. ‘Ouch!’ I say. ‘Ouch! says Gloria. ‘Sorry,’ says a kid. He rocketed into us and almost knocked us flying.


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