
2019 Annual Meeting Minutes April , 2018

Board President Jeff Morris called the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Celco Community Federal Credit Union to order. President Morris welcomed the members and asked Mr. William Snidow if he would give the invocation. American Legion Post 68 presented the Flag and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. We then had the pleasure of The Spirits of Joy to sing the National Anthem. President Morris asked the Secretary, Anne Chambers if a quorum was present so the meeting could continued. Anne replied yes. President Morris then directed our attention to the minutes from the previous year. He asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. Treasurer Connie Copeland made the motion to accept the minutes as presented, Vice President Jeff Williams seconded. All in favor and the motion carried. President Morris then thanked the Marketing and Education Committee for their work in planning and preparation for the Annual meeting. Mr. Morris then recognized the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee member, William Snidow.

Next on the agenda was the elections. The members that were to be voted on was Connie Copeland and Jeff Williams. President Morris asked if there were any nominations from the floor. Hearing none, he moved that the nominations be closed. President Morris moved that the members be elected by acclamation. Members were asked to say Aye if in favor. Motion carried. Attention was directed to the Treasurer’s report. President Morris told members if they had any questions, that they were encouraged to contact the board. After The Spirits of Joy sang a beautiful selection of songs, President Morris spoke about all of the Credit Union employees, about the excellent jobs they perform and thanked each one. Mr. Morris also encouraged the members to take advantage of the large amount of money we have to loan. The Marketing/Education Committee then took over the remainder of the meeting to award the give aways and then instructed the members to go to the cafeteria to eat dinner prepared by Country Kitchen Caterers.

Respectfully Submitted, Jeff Morris , President Anne Chambers , Secretary


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