USD Magazine Fall 2009


[ g i v e a n d t a k e ]

men who initiated the scholar- ship effort and who continue to work hard to make it a reality: Shaun Moothart ‘06, Anthony Pavich ‘06, Matt Pioli ‘06 and Steve Ettlin ‘06. We look forward to this fall’s golf tournament and fulfilling the endowment. —Daniel L. Burkett II Cover to Cover Thanks so much for the oppor- tunity to write my story for USD Magazine (“Solving the Puzzle,” Summer 2009). I recently went straight fromwork to a dinner gala held by LEAD San Diego and did not know that the new issues had been arriving in people’s mailboxes throughout the day. When I got to the dinner, many USD alums and employees— including President Mary Lyons—said that they had already read the article and were pleased to see it in the magazine. It sounded like they all read the mag- azine from cover to cover as soon as they get it, even the president! —Christopher Yanov Executive Director, Reality Changers

I attended USD Law School from 1979-1981, and I can tell you that there was lots of great new music coming out during that time; it played a big role in getting us through law school. The “new” groups at the time included the Talking Heads, the Cars, Dire Straits and Elvis Costello.

Thanks for your time and con- sideration. And may you contin- ue to rock on. — Ron Rose ’81 (J.D.) London, Redux Thank you for sending me the copy of the USD Magazine with the story that included mention of the tour I led at Canterbury for students of your university (“London Calling,” Fall 2008). I also enjoyed the copy of the photo you sent that showed me addressing the students; thanks too for your generous com- ments about the tour. I am just pleased that you all enjoyed visiting our wonderful cathedral, and I hope that I may see you again, with another group, sometime in the future. I also enjoyed your magazine — you have done a good editorial job.

Pleased as Punch Well, the article is SHOCKINGLY beautiful (“Hi Diddle Dee Dee,” Summer 2009). Honestly, just wonderful. You did a remarkable job on the piece in my opinion, and I am FLOORED that it is on the cover! I had no idea! I can’t tell you how much I like it and also appreciate it, and my MOTHER is going to FLIP! She’ll probably cry, actually. Thank you, oh so much. —JimParsons ’01 (MFA) Memories of Danny Liz, Jackie and I were pleased to see the article regarding the Daniel L. Burkett III Memorial Scholarship (“Saving Grace,” Summer 2009). Indeed, our son Danny ’06 was well known for helping others, including his friends on a daily basis and others in need through his philanthropic work. We want to thank all those who have contributed to per- petuating Danny’s memory and his legacy of giving. Last fall’s golf tournament helped in a major way towards achieving the goal of endowing a scholar- ship in his name. We are extremely proud of the young

Now—pushing 30 years down the road — I am still fueled by music. As an aside frommy legal career, I have recently taken a par- ticipatory role in music production, as one of my daughters is pursuing a professional career in the music field. The industry is currently rath- er dysfunctional and is groping for a newmodel, yet music gets made in spite of all the turmoil. So as a family, we have grabbed the bull by the horns and have self- produced some albums by the group White Roses, which feature my daughter, some of her class- mates at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, and some other musicians. Our most recent CD ( Spark the Chain) is a group of primarily acoustic songs, so not necessarily a real “rocker.” The big- gest challenge these days is not making the music, but getting it out to the world. Those interested in hearing it should go to www.

—Bill Charlton, Docent Canterbury Cathedral

Write us ... We welcome letters to the editor about articles in the magazine. Letters may be edit- ed for length and clarity, and must include a daytime phone number. Write: Editor, USD Magazine , 5998 Alcalá Park, San Diego, CA 92110. E-mail:

Keep on Rocking I read the editorial in the a recent issue of USDMagazine (“Light My Fire,” Spring 2009) and wanted to write in with some thoughts.


FALL 2009

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