Operating and CIP Budget Fiscal Year 2015-16

City Manager (continued)

con Valley Manufacturing Round Table

 CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 15-16  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 15-16  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 15-16  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 15-16 OPERATING AND CIP CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 15-16  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY 15-16  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  CITY OF MORGAN HILL  FY15-16  OPERATING AND CIP BUDGET  Advance Revitalization of Downtown o Implement Successor Agency real estate disposition in the Downtown and assist the design and development of these key development sites to meet objectives of the community o Assist with the completion of parking garage structure and leasing of retail space, creation of new public plaza and street improvements o Work to enhance and improve the Downtown by encouraging placemaking activities and art for all ages and attracting business that provide services for families and residents of all ages o Collaborate with Community Services and recreational interests to discuss additional outdoor facilities and connections to biking and hiking; connect schools and transit to make access available for people of all ages by foot, bike or alternate modes of transportation o Collaborate with Community Services to develop recreation facilities for families and kids of all ages, including the design and implementation of two parks and a trail to the Nob Hill Water Tank FY 14-15 HIGHLIGHTS Business Resources and Community Events  Launched a Creative Placemaking Community Symposium to help boost placemaking awareness and creativity, and develop ideas for integration into planning for the Downtown The event showcased a conversation with placemaking experts and also previewed concept designs for the Monterey Road streetscape, parking garage, parks and complete streets. 200 people attended the event  Launched the first “Park(ing) Day” event in Morgan Hill, where parking spaces were transformed into a Song Gar- den and a board walk. This event involved working with artist. that engaged the community, with a special effort to engage Morgan Hill's Hispanic community  Facilitated an Economic Development Symposium with 10 industry professionals and a Growth Management Sym- posium with regional experts to assist the General Plan Update  Hosted a branding workshop with key community based organizations to develop consensus about branding and marketing strategies, including the creation of City "tag line" Downtown Revitalization  In partnership with the Library, Arts and Culture Commission, a Mini Grant Pilot program was developed to create public art opportunities, engage the art community and provide temporary art projects to activate the downtown o Facilitate business development and business resources workshops through leveraging with regional partners


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