LM JuneJuly 2019


FULL STEAMAHEAD FOR PONTIAC CCSD #429 Over the past three years, Pontiac CCSD #429 has partnered with the Greater Livingston County Economic Development Council and received some federal grants to overhaul its STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) program. Business leaders in the community say the initiative will help students learn the characteristics and skills demanded by employers.

4 Paula Hawley

Takes Reins As IASA President

IASA 55th Annual Convention: Save the Dates

6 16 19


Legislative Activities Timetable forschooladministrators

10 Legislative Activities Timetable

IASA News in Brief

This timetable isaguide for superintendentsand school

IASA Calendar of Events

Beinganeffectiveadvocate foreducation issues isoneof themost important jobsanyone

administrators. It isnot intended tobe all inclusive.Although responsibilities andprocedures varyamongdistricts, this timetablehighlights themajor tasksperformed.

• What issues they represent,etc. • Findout thepreferredmethod of communicatingwith your legislator. Thinkabout scheduling regular meetingswith your legislators (possiblyevery fourmonths startingnow). Invite your legislators toattend a regionmeeting todiscussand explain yourbudgetandother legislative issues. Take the timeandeffort tobuilda solidworking relationshipwith your legislators. involvedwitheducation, fromadministrators to parents,cando. ??? TheGeneralAssembly is inminimal session daysduring the startof theSpringSession. Invite your legislators to takea tour of your schooldistrict. January Yourgoal—todevelopa relationship thathas your legislatorspickingup thephone to contact you in regards to legislative issuesaffecting your school district toget youropinionbefore they takea vote on these issues. Thesearegenerally themonthswhen legislatorsare holding fundraisers in theirdistricts.Do something for your legislators, insteadofalwaysasking for something.Forexample, if youare fortunateenough tohave legislatorswhodemonstratea strong commitment toeducation,dowhat you can tohelp them stay inofficebyattending their fundraisers to show support.Theywill remember you. Superintendentsareencouraged tobecome membersof IPACandAPAC.

GettingStarted—LateSummertoFall (JulythroughOctober)

New superintendents should schedulean appointment tomeetwith legislators in your newdistrict.Make sure youget to know them—not just casually,butwith some real interaction. All superintendents shouldmakea special effort to scheduleameetingwith your local legislators in theirdistrictoffices. • Discuss issuesparticular to your schooldistrict. • Provide themwithaone-page explanationon issues specific to yourdistrict. Learnparticularsabout your legislators: • Whatpoliticalparty/What committees they serveon in theGeneralAssembly Attend your regionmeetings todiscuss legislative issueswith your legislative chairs that youwould like for them tobring forward in the IASA GovernmentalRelations&Advocacy September

12 The Conundrum of Tax Rates in Illinois

This isagood time for your region toholda legislativebreakfast. October28–30and November12–14 VetoSession Dropanote to your legislators around theHolidays! October/November/December

Be knowledgeableof theGeneralAssemblymembers who serveon theHouseElementary&Secondary EducationCommittee,HouseAppropriations—Elementary &SecondaryEducationCommittee,SenateEducation CommitteeandSenateAppropriations IICommittee. You canaccess this informationatwww.ilga.gov.

Committeemeeting. September10,2019 IASAGovernmentalRelations&

AdvocacyCommitteemeets to formulate the IASALegislativeAgendaanddiscuss upcoming veto session.

Volume 7, Issue 7 Summer 2019 LeadershipMatters 19113 Jason Nevel Assistant Director of Communications jnevel@iasaedu.org


2648 Beechler Court Springfield, IL 62703-7305 217.753.2213 800 Woodfield Road, Ste. F109 Schaumburg, IL 60173-4717 847.466.5075

Graphic Designer Marjorie Gladish mgladish@iasaedu.org

1200 West Main Street Marion, IL 62959-1138 618.364.0501


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