The Chronicle, Summer Term 2017


Word from theWarden circumstances. The pupils have understood and appreciated his tireless efforts to imbue the correct values in the school community, often illustrated by personal and amusing

The end of the academic year always brings with it a degree of change. We are about to say goodbye to another excellent Upper Sixth year group and we wish both them and our Fifth Form a relaxing summer as they await the all-important results; I have no doubt that their hard work will pay off. There is change, too, in the Senior Management Team as the Sub-Warden retires after 31 years. He has been a huge figure here at Teddies, greatly respected by staff and pupils alike. For me, personally, he has always been a source of good and sage advice, and I have valued his magnificent ability to remain calm in the most challenging of

of the many individuals involved in our comprehensive pastoral care network, exploring how they approach their role and, most importantly, how they connect with each other. Links with our city and wider community are also highlighted as we review three impressive and compassionate IB projects. As ever at this time of year, we eagerly anticipate the great flurry of activity and joy that is Gaudy Week. You will have received an invitation to book for the various events – and this year you may also book online via the website. I look forward to seeing many of you before the end of term and especially at Gaudy.

reflections in Assembly. Tom is without doubt a fair disciplinarian, and a number of pupils have commented that, even when they were being told off for quite serious misdemeanours, he always showed them kindness and respect. Change is the lifeblood of a community such as ours. As we renew each September, there are subtle shifts in focus, enthusiasms and opportunities. We will be sad to say goodbye not only to Tom James, but also to Kendall Williams, Mark Sellen, Lewis Faulkner, Richard Howitt and Julie Oliver (amongst a number of others) who are retiring or moving on after long, impressive and influential Teddies careers. We will, of course, be looking forward to welcoming Tony Darby (from Rugby) as the new Sub- Warden, Andrew Grounds (outgoing Head of Middle School) as Housemaster of Tilly’s, and many new teachers. You can read more about Tony and Andrew in this issue. Community is a focus of this edition in a number of different ways. In a major feature, we interview a wide cross-section

Ric Mellis

Stephen Jones

The front cover shows Tom James in habitual pose in his final Assembly where he was greeted by exuberant, heartfelt and prolonged applause from pupils.

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Tune in for the latest films: House Life at Teddies, the CCF Inspection and England Rugby on Upper 1. St Edward’s School is registered in England and Wales as a charitable company limited by guarantee. Registered No. 116784. Registered Office: Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 7NN. Registered Charity No. 309681.

Caitlin Scott ( Anglo American School of Moscow ), Nathalie Roschmann ( Prior’s Field ), Holly Wheatman ( Cheam ) and Head Girl Immy Higgins ( Dragon ) looking saucy at the alternative leavers’ photo.

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