9781422285237 - Analytics: Sports Stats & More

Moneyball While Fred Claire was using analytics in the late 1980s, and a few other front offices around baseball were utilizing information, it was not until 2003, when the book Moneyball was released, that the industry went from grassroots to front page. If you have not yet read Moneyball , and have any interest in this industry, it is a must read. The book discusses the concepts and ideas of Oakland Athletics general manager Billy Beane. In the early 2000s, despite having one of baseball’s smallest payrolls, the A’s

continued making it to the postseason year after year. Writer Michael Lewis weaves a wonderful story, pro- viding a perspective unknown to most of us prior to the book’s release. This eye-opening tale, while not universally em- braced by every baseball executive, more or less did open the eyes of most baseball front offices. In addi- tion, it forced other sports to begin examining the way they approach their specific sport. It led to an explo- sion of analytics in all professional sports leagues.

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