9781422285237 - Analytics: Sports Stats & More

mistakes on a résumé usually lead to immediate removal from the job opportunity. Use networking to find outmore. RoryDavidsonwas in high school in Menlo Park, California, and used a family connection to get some meetings with the people at the San Francisco 49ers who were introducing various levels of analytics to the team. “I spent a day with them talking about how the NFL values draft picks based on which round a player is chosen,” says Davidson, who now studies at the University of Oregon. “We’ve stayed in touch, and I’ve been able to see the people I met there at the sports analytics conferences I’ve been to.”

Text-Dependent Questions 1. When should you begin looking for internships? 2. According to Ari Kaplan, what are some of the types of classes and software you should be familiar with? 3. What was Bill James’ job when he began writing and self-publishing his annual baseball book? Research Project Start looking at teams near you for internship opportunities. Don’t forget minor-league teams in sports such as baseball, basketball, or hockey. The opportunities might not be in analytics, but learning other parts of a sports organization can be helpful.


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