Alcalá 1989




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beoc' go


hod to pa pore te ests senate ,,_, , OU' not yeor ot OS5 w nteg, good and prosper tontost



va,ous ngsondp Alcoa· en we

and goodw We w n these yeors ONIOd

As the ;.nor Senators tor 88 8Q Bob OCkson ond 81lon W we,e responslble for representng the v nts of tl'le COS$ on vaious r-.JSti hush issues SUCh os Coiege cat:> dtetm grodeS and otllen In the 88 89 yeor they coordnoted seveta ,.,.., • ng events for th& class Who con forget the memorab ;.nor Senor Boot Ctu5e the Pizza a U'lo Happy !bl the Voi,eyt)al IOU'nCl'Tl8t'lt thePam Sp,ngs weekend and the port,es on Dea COU'f We hOPe mot the ;.nor yeor wos o great expe11enc:e ond we ore onhepatng on eve, bet te, Sena yeor After ttYee yecn we ve fir y made rt here ts tme to kiCk bock ond hove a beer Yeo t s corny buf Oh Wei llot>ond 8na'l


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