Alcalá 1989

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Tl"MS yea one TGF was held at Tecolote park and one was held on campus On campus TGF's seem to be popula for the sole reason that those students without trauportatlon can attend CIXVellne - a USO band was feat11ed at an on campus TGF Second semester the TGF's changed to the FAC. The Friday Afternoon Club. Free food ond fi.n were stll provided, and everyone en– joyed the change The social Corrmttee added a twist to this years Hal– loween Usualy there are fraternity parties the week of Haloween and then everyone heads for Santa Barbara on the weekend But what about those who stay be– hnd? Wei. tl"MS yea there was an evening for freight and delight organized by the social committee. food serviee and the film forum The evening began with a theme dinner In the cafeteria where prizes were given for best and ~In carving. FoNowlng the dinner there was a dance with music provided by the After Da1< D J The forum was transformed Into a room of gloom with a grave yard. spider webs and other ho..ntlng touches Victims -1 mean guestsl - were treat– ed to a showng of Dr. Jekyl ond Mr. Hyde. Pizza and soda was provided for those monster appetites. The evening was brought to an end by the film forum's "The Hunger " A ~ time was had by all. These are activities that the social committee does. The committee consists of 26 members headed by the social eta and the assistant social chair. In September over 60 appllcatlons were received from those Interest- ed n helping out. The selection was based on applica– tions and reconvnendatlons. The coornlttees goal was to make the tradltlonal events stronger and Incorpo– rate new events like group bus trip. theme dances. and more on campus events. The enthusiasm and comml– tement of the committee helped the A.S. "Make a Dif– ference" this year


d Estella Lopez Social Chair


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