Alcalá 1989

1988 g1ves birth to a new orga– nization on oampus ••. the Al– cala' Ctub. The former Alcala' Women's Cfub and Alcala.' Men's Qub as a direct result of TitH! IX The Alcala· Club Is a eervice organi;iattQB which acts, upon the request of the sity of San Diego, as official uni– vere&ty representativN. at university sponsOfed events. The duo has a!sisted the University-at such traditional events as Par– ent's Orientation, Parent's Day, President'.s Club Dinner, Dean's BaU, student masses in Founder's Chapel as well as many other activities~gh– out the sohOOf year. The Al– cala' Club wefcomes servtc. oriented, dedjcated. energet– lC, and commuted people to become pert of our group.

Alpha Epsilon Delta I& a na– tionaf honor&!) society for those pursuing c~ in the health related profPJMons. Students wtto are intending to pursue graduate coursework ;n medical, dental, or veteri– narian school are member&. AED heJps to prepare stu– dents by inf'Orll11ftg them of re– quirements, test dates, sem– inars, etc ... all toptes related to gaining admittance into a profession school. Parties, beach voMeyball games., tours of medical sch~. and .......,.._

speak.erS are some of the ac– ttvities that AED plans for members.



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