Alcalá 1989

The American Marketing Allocfation provides studentl In Marketing and Advertising with a ffnk between the campus and the protessjonal San Die– go business community: The AMA rx– ganizes manyevents inclucng speak– ers from the local busineu communi– ties working closely wtth the San Die– go professional Cfiapter of AMA. the students are givenmany oppcrtunities to become actively lnvotved in San Oi– ego Businese.

Delta Sigma Pt la a professional frater– nity whose purpose is to provtde buet– ness students with an outlet for learn– ing beyond the classroom. It promotes academic excellence and ~ves scholarship and social activities are necessary etements to develop a weH– rounded indMdual. Its community ser– vice and professional events allow members to gain practical experience outside of USO. Delta Si~ma Pt edu– cates students about the 'real world" to prepare them for their departure from coHege. 'Br1eeus

BACCHUS (Boost AlcohOI Conscious– ness Concerning the Health of Univer– sity Students) is a national coltegiate alcohol educatiOn group. USD's chap– ter has the largest membership and student involvement in the Western Region. The chapter is a student run organization promoting the responsi– ble use of alcohol through events such as Alcohol Awareness Week and the Spring Don't Drink and Drive Pledge Campaign.

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