FBINAA Associate Magazine Q2.2021

ANTHONY GIAIMO, FBINA 241 AND DR. DALE RETZLAFF A DISCUSSION: ISSUES AND MANAGEMENT OF SELF DEPLOY- MENT Within our present policing environ- ment, there are certainly a multitude of responsibilities and command challenges. Managing operations, logistics, responses and other matters of crisis planning, com- prise these ongoing leadership tasks. A command leader’s role in managing self- deployment is one such crucial task. Well intended but often problematic “officer self-deployment” responses to already unfolding and dangerous situations can create serious public safety concerns as well as other complications. S elf-deployment has statistically resulted in significant problems across the country including injuries up to and including death, loss of evidence, failed prosecutions, and in many cases civil liability. Proactive and demonstrated superviso- ry leadership is certainly necessary to establish proper training, preparation, and strategies to minimize the negative conse- quences of officer self-deployment. SELF-DEPLOYMENT DEFINED Police “Self-Deployment” is a potentially dangerous action for officers and others through the independent action to inter- ject themselves into an ongoing or developing critical incident

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