Sales Shop Report Writing

Offered to send a proposal or contract: Manager would need to offer to send us either a proposal or contract during the initial call or a follow up call. If at the end of the call the caller asks for information to be sent, this question would be marked No. If the caller asks prematurely, before the call is at its end, this question is marked N/A. Offered to send sales collateral: The manager may earn a Yes rating for this question by offering something other than a proposal or contract. This could include menus, AV pricing, a brochure of any kind, transportation options, etc. A manager could earn a Yes rating here even if they earned a No rating for the question above.

Note: Remember to fill in the "via" drop down menu box which indicates how the manager will be sending the information.

Before ending call, reiterated or confirmed next action to be taken: The manager should confirm whatever the "next step" is in the sales process. This could be confirming he will send a proposal or saying will phone you regarding availability and the like. This can be done on the initial call or any subsequent call. Agreed upon a specific time frame to follow up: The manager should attempt to make an appointment to contact the caller again prior to ending the call. This usually coincides with your decision date. Manager can earn a Yes rating with examples "sometime on Monday", "Tuesday at 10:00 AM" or "Does early next week work for a follow up call?". Note: The audio you receive from the caller will not include the voicemail messages left for us by the manager. You will rely on the chronology entries made by Caller to indicate when follow and attempt to close occurred.


Refer to the Chronology, the Audio, and any printed information from the hotel to rate these questions.


Displayed good product knowledge when questioned: If a question was asked by the caller, score Yes or No based on how knowledgeable the manager seemed when answering. If no question was asked, the score would be N/A. Was professional overall and used good telephone etiquette: Was the manager professional and polite on the phone and throughout the rest of the process? If so, score as Yes. If a message(s) was left, it was returned promptly and Manager was prepared whenever speaking with the customer: If all message Caller left were returned with a phone call within 24 hours and was organized by having the details previously discussed, rate as Yes. If the manager didn’t have to return any calls to Caller, you may rate this question as N/A. Manager attempted to establish rapport: Ideally the manager is to begin the discussion by establishing rapport (via discussing the weather, your city, etc.) however they will sometimes build rapport as the discussion progresses, sometimes through the use of “small talk.” If they just ask a lot of questions and then end the call, this would not be establishing rapport.

Used Caller’s name more than once during the call: Pay attention and make careful note of if the caller’s name was used and score appropriately.

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