Foland Sales - 2018 RV Parts & Accessories

50 • ELECTRONICS SECTION 2 50 • ELECTRONICS P Surge Guard Plus Proctects RV bumper to bumper from faulty 50-AM

30-50 A MP S u rge Guard Units Automati ca lly shuts off power for overtemp, ex c ess ive v oltage low (132V) or open ground/ , , neutral con d itions are presen t . Auto Res et on power restoration LCD d isplay shows voltage . and amp dr a w on all legs. Shows faults (when occurred) f o r open neutral, open ground, reverse polarity, mi s wired pedestal, elevated ground voltage. 12 8 second reset delay. Convenient plug handles. W e ather resistant. 2-84830 34830 30AMP Portable Unit with LCD 0V, 30 cord es $3 3485 ortabl LCD Display, 120/240V, 50A, 6/4 c ord, 3,850 Joules $4 is co c a ble insid disp l v olta Guar O pen to sh to ret S u rg 2-83 P ortable Surge Protectors U L l i t d r otector des igned to handle th e nsum p t ion demands of RVers. An a to identify power suppl y st atus . C he ground, op en neutr al , correct pola W re verse d lines/gr ou nd. F eatures s u rg ndica to r an d N EW t he rm al se ns ove r heating plug/receptacl e. W e a with a NE W rain - pro of cov er . 2-8 3 0 30 Amp Surge Guard s e surge p high power co lyzes circuits cks f or open rity, and NE e protection i or to indica t e ther resistant $598.99

H a r d w d Surge Guard nitor

2 9 and co n v eniently mo nitors your electrical power anywhere e your RV remotely f rom the Surge Guard 's locati on . This ay all ows yo u to see more detailed information suc h as ges, c urrent dra and status/cond it ion s of th e Surge d Hardwire u ni t. Electric a l faults s u ch a s Lo w Voltag e or an G o g dwire ut off po w er are sho wn on the remote disp l ay, allowing you rieve via th e joystick a log of t h e fa ult c o nditi ons kept by the F o r u se w i th S u rg e Gu ar d Hardwire uni t s , the optio nal R emote Power Mon i t or LCD Di s p lay nnected t o a Surg e G uard unit via a RJ12 (6 p in) con nec t o r

park power. Easy to read 2-line plain English backlit LCD remote display provies visual ication of source voltage, load current or gnostics. Mulit mode su ge suppression e protected). Protects against: miswired

ind dia (fus ped Exc rev

estal, open neutral, open ground, essive voltage, High/Low frequency, erse polarity. PR - OTE r CT WH AT YOU VALUE MOST POWER SURG ES O

56 . 4 e Gua pf electrical po we r at yo ur loc ation. 3 00 0300 Op tional Hard wire Remo te Pow er Monito r


3240 40240 Surge Guard 50 AMP Plus, Hard Wire

$ 123 . 99

3 0-A MP S urge Protector Pe

rfect for pop- u rk power plus rcuits to verify dicates: open g larity. Illumin a ules of power ndles. Weathe r

ps and travel trailers. Iden tifies f aulty offers surge pro tectio n. Analyze s pedestal po wer . T ests for and round, ope n neutral and correct ted power stat us indicators. 2,8 0 0 surge pr o tection . Easy - T -Pull


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po Jo ha

r e s is tant .

280 4428 290 4429

$ 110.4 $1 36.9

9 9

2- 83

0 5 0 Am p Su rge Guard

2-83590 4 4 260 30-AMP S urge Pro tector

$ 9 8.99

Hardwire Surge Guard Automatically shuts off th e power when excessive voltage, Low (132V), open ground or neutral is present. Auto reset on power restoration. Caution light

50-AMP Surge Pro t ector 50 p y p g p

Analyzes c ir cu i ts to verify pedestal power. Tests f or and indicates: open ground, open neutral and correct polarity. Illuminated power status indicators. 4,20 0 J l s of power surge protection Easy-T-Pull han ather resistant..

$121.99 indicates Surge failure, miswired pedestal, reverse polarity and elevated ground voltage. 128 second reset delay. Fits neatly inside RVs electrical compartment. Optional Remote Power Monitor LCD Display (sold separately). 2-83550 35550 50-AMP Hardwire Unit $359.49 2-83530 35530 30 Amp Hardwire Unit $264.49


4270 50-AMP Surge Protector



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