FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget

Fire (continued)

• Remodel of the kitchen at El Toro fire station • Continued planning of proposed staffing and building of a third Morgan Hill City fire station • Passage of the false alarm ordinance • Developed a partnership with the American Red Cross and CERT to test/provide/install smoke alarms in more than 150 residences • Implemented fire Safety, slips and falls educational campaign in cooperation with the Senior Center • Launched the Ember Aware Campaign providing education and awareness about the danger of embers during a wildfire and how to reduce the risk FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Activity Goals • Finalize five (5) year Cooperative Agreement between the City and CAL FIRE (Enhancing Public Safety, Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility) • Continue to recruit for the Explorer program (Supporting Our Youth, Seniors, and Entire Community) • Continued planning of staffing and building of a third Morgan Hill City fire station (Enhancing Public Safety) • Purchase Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) to ensure all fire emergency response vehicles are equipped with this lifesaving capability (Enhancing Public Safety) • Purchase American Heart Association (AHA) mannequins equipped with electronic feedback and testing capabilities for training (Enhancing Public Safety) • Purchase a computer program and medical stations to track medications carried as part of the paramedic program and a station to dispose of the expired medications (Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility) • Purchase equipment for the City reserve fire engine to maintain a fully outfitted fire engine (Enhancing Public Safety) • Purchase two Advanced Life Support (ALS) vital sign monitors to be equipped on fire vehicles (Enhancing Public Safety)

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