FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget

Police Administration (continued)

Financial Comments During the FY2018-20 budget process, the Police Department received approval for six Decision Packages. Each aligns to one or more of the City Council On-Going Priorities and 2018 Council Strategic Priorities and will result in increased public safety throughout our community: • 1FTE Officer to be assigned to the Traffic Division to support and enhance traffic safety and enforcement efforts • Data and Spatial Crime Analysis Dashboard augment intelligence led policing efforts through visualization of crime data, statistics and mapping; $15,000 one-time plus $10,000 annually • Funding for on-going professional development training for all officers to offset the reduction in reimbursement for trainings from the California Commission of Police Officer Standards and Training (POST); $30,000 annually • Automated License Plate Reader to identify stolen vehicles in our community; $21,400 one- time funds to replace existing non-functioning system • Sheltering of cats by the Santa Clara County Animal Shelter; an increase of $19,000 annually for a total of $30,000 for in-take and sheltering of an unlimited number of cats from Morgan Hill • Enhanced training in the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training model for all Police Officers and Public Safety Dispatchers; $34,400 one-time funds


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