FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 Adopted Operating and CIP Budget


3. Holiday Lakes Gravity Line Feasibility Study The purpose of this study is to identify opportunities to eliminate costly operations and maintenance of small diameter sewer mains currently located in backyards or drainage areas; thus, reducing operating costs of the sewer system and allowing capital funds to be allocated to other improvements. 4. Lift Station Condition Assessment Analysis A lift station condition assessment will enable staff to continue to effectively execute the ongoing maintenance program and plan near term improvements intended to extend the useful life of the existing sewer system lift stations. 5. Inflow & Infiltration/ Cross Connection Elimination Study Storm water entering a sewer system can lead to costly and potentially unnecessary triggers of wastewater treatment plant expansion and sewer main upsizing. In lieu of these improvements, elimination of large infiltration and inflow contributing cross connections will alleviate flow loading on a collection system and minimize wet weather improvements at treatment plants. Additionally, these improvements reduce the potential for wet weather-related sewer system overflows. 6. Sewer Trunk Line Condition Assessment Study The sewer trunk line is a critical piece of city infrastructure because it provides the only conveyance of wastewater to the Gilroy treatment plan. The pipeline was commissioned in the early 1970's and is now approximately 50 years old. A partial inspection of the trunk line was completed in 2009. However, a condition assessment of the entire trunk line needs to be done to determine the condition of the trunk line is in and identify any needed repairs.

Strategic Planning Documents 2017 Sewer System Master Plan, 2018 Sanitary Sewer Management Plan Revisions

2019-2024 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program

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