RubinBrown Private Club Stats 2015

Golf Operations

Peak Season

1. A. Average guest greens fees for 18 holes: Weekdays

$70 $75 $38


B. Average golf cart rental rates for two people playing 18 holes

Average 2. A. Maintenance expenses associated with the “golf course” for the most recent fiscal year (per 18-hole equivalent): Payroll $537,300 Payroll taxes and employee benefits $94,500 Fertilizer, chemicals, etc. $81,300 Fuel $30,400 Repairs and maintenance $50,500 Sand, seed, sod, etc. $20,400 Supplies $22,300 Water (those without water sources) $119,900 Trees and landscaping $22,800 All other golf course expenses $64,100 $1,043,500 B. Average water cost per 18 holes for those with some existing water source $30,980

3. A. Average number of rounds of golf (18-hole equivalents) played within the past fiscal year


B. Average number of outside tournaments held by club


On a Per Hole Basis

4. Average amount spent on capital improvements for the “golf course” during the past fiscal year


On a Per Hole Basis

5. Average amount spent on capital improvements for the “golf course” over the past five years


6. Average amount spent for golf course equipment during the past fiscal year


7. A. Average annual lease cost per cart (for clubs that lease carts) B. Average purchase price per cart (for clubs that purchase carts)



8. Percentage of clubs who own the pro shop




9. A. Gross profit margin on merchandise for those clubs that own the pro shop



Inventory Per Regular

B. Average pro shop inventory levels:



Peak season Off season

$158,000 $124,000

$510 $390

C. Average pro shop inventory turnover per year

1.7 times

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