News Scrapbook 1968-1969
'Y 6uµ,Qt-J4 . w/1 /,::, ana Equity and the future well-being of California are among reaso1;1s Califor- nians should vote "yes" on Proposition 6 on Nov. 5. Passage of the proposition would al- low the 1tegislature to exempt priv-atc colleges and research institutions' re- tirement funds from taxation. Effect of the exemption would be to financially strengthen private colleg s which are such a vital element in high- er education ljlld becoming even more so as public schools get crowded. retirement funds, nor are the premiums paid by California's state-supported colleges to insurance retirement funds taxed. A "ye '' vote on Proposition 6 will re- move the. inequities. * * * Also meriting approval state Proposition 4. tux reporting to the federal ystem. This would simplify stat income re- porting and collection for the victims. It also would increase economy and ef- ficiency by reducing the paper volume at Sacramento. Safeguards would pre- vent the possibility of federal income tax action from raising California's taxes automatically. Howeve1 , we believe the L gislature should make up tile loss to military people and re i P\;&,:;sul?l_l;.. no would lo e ihe present .,..,,,._Y tion t ey have ·n st Simplicity and econorn proval of Proposition 4. es on Effect of the passage wot low the Legi lature to link te income ,
Mission Bay Cruise Set By Auxiliary University of San Diego uxiliary members will spon- sor a cocktai l gala and cruise ol Mission Bay aboard the showboat Bahia B~lle on Thursday, October 24. Boarding will be l'rom the Bahia Hotel dock with cast- off tim scheduled for 7 p.m. The evening will get under way with a "Sun-downer" featuring hot hors d'oeuvcrs and coc•ktails. Dancing will be lo the I<'rankie Reed ore hes. tra Mrs. q,corge R MCCienahan of La Jolla is chairman and Mrs. G rge W. Wolfe ofClaire- mont i. co-chairman. Mr and Mrs .Joij,n A Waters, Jr, h.ive been ap ointed chairmen of hosts and ostesses. Invited to assist the Waters in welcoming guests aboard are Me H> and Mmes. R. E. Archibald, Leo J. Durkin, S. Falck Nielsen, Charles ./. Rizzo and Brig. Gen and Mrs. Edwin C. I<'erguson. Others include Col. and Mrs. .\lei! R MacIntyre, Messrs. and Mmes. John F. Scanlon, Joh11 T. Schall, Robert W Sex. ton and Ross G. Tharp.
Rafferty discusses an i sue earlier in the cam- paign. They are seeking the seat held by Repub-
}i(•an Sen. Thomas Kuchel.
I .itllf/.
-S1aff Photo
USD GIVEN BOOKS Rabbi Joel S. Goar of T<'mple Beth farael pre- smterl 20 books on Jews and Judaism to the Knights of Columbus Library at the Univor ·ity of San Diego •es1erday as gifts from the Jewish Chautau ua Society. Shown accepting the 20 volumes from Rabbi Goor is the Very Rev. John E. Baer, presi- dent of the College for Men.
YOUTH WORK PRAISED . W_illie Moore, left, receives Certificate of Appre- ciat10n fro!ll. Mayor C1:1-ran for his work during the sum1:1er a1dmg San Diego youths in "Project Sum- mert1f!1e." Moore,. athletic trainer at University of S°:11 Diego, supervised USD'.,; Olympic sized swim- m11:~ pool which was opened to d ldren by USD officials.
, r1 ion of gymnasium to pelling on ign rf'-paintec.l recently on the cam- pu .-Photo by Jerry Rife
La\\ ·er Tlcar Craig Biddle Cra g Biddle, assembly cha1rman of the criminal pro• ced!lres. committee of the Cahforma State Legislature. was featu ed speaker yester- day at the annual alumni Iun_cbeon -sponsored by the Umvers1ty of San Diego School of Law. The event was held at At- hnhs 1.e.,taL1Iant Municipal Court J11dge Ri•·hard Dono- .an. p(es1dent of the ·::.o Alumni \ssoc1ation, was master of ceremonies.
ed In
U. Of San iego Hosts '/IT 1111! '- ,,,_ t•- &~ lnterreligiou lnstit11te Representatives of atholic, Rom Catholic Diocese of Prote tant, and Jewish faith San i go, the :\"ational Con will meet at the Univer ·ity of ferenc of Christians and San Diego Oct. 17 to discu ,Jews, f; San Diego County "'!'he Rellgiou Community Council of Chur hes and the and Rac1sm" Southea~t '\1rnL terial Alli- ance. l'his meeting 1s very ~1g- nu1cant as it is the first time Delegates to the institute the San Diego reli;:ious com- will be ,elcomed to the CSD mumty as a whole has banded campus by the .\lost Rev. together to take a serious Francis ,I. Furey, Bishop of look at this critical is ue," the Diocese of San Diego. aid the Rev. John Portman, Herbert J. Solomon, chair- USD chool of Theolo_gy and man of the S,an Diego Region chairman or the Dtoce an I National Conference of Chris- Ecum<-nical Comm· on. tlans and Jews, will preside . lhe conference will be the, over the opening session at Second Annual Interreligious 3 p.m. The Invocation will be Institute, co-span ored by the I delivered by the Rev. Dr. (/J//l)J/, /e,- 1/~tf William M. Macinnes, College Parl· Presbyterian Church. TJ:le keynote address will be given by the Rev. James II. Oxley, Bethel African
Sister Catherine McShane rofessor of history at the mvers1ty of San Diego re• urned yesterda from a ~ational historical associa- .tion meeting in Washington, ~.C., where e $f'faTf"'II L ... ,o- I 6-1, One-Man Show Scheduled At USD Library The University of S~n Di• ego College for Men Library is happy to announce a one- man art show by Jack Jordan beginning Oct. 28 and running through Nov. 30. ,Jordan shows mostly char- ac'cr stud ics done in oil;; and one of ti1e main ones to be ex- hihlled m this show will be his portrait study of Lillie Mae Barr, the well-known character actress of Globe theater in S11n Diego. Ten original studie have been painted for this show. Jordan"s study of the Cruci- fixion hanging behind the main altar of St. Louis!' de Marrilac Church in Crest is o_ne of the most unusual depic- tions of thP Crucifixion and has been ghen very favorable and strong evaluation by all who have seen it. The Library is located in Alcala Park on Marian Way and is a separate building known as the Knights of Col• ~mbus Memorial Library. It 1s open from 8 a.m. until 11 p.m. Monday through Thurs• day, from 8 -a.m. until 5 p.m. ' on Friday and from 1 p.m. un- til 9 p.m. on Saturday and unrla~'- The puhlic ls invited to visit the L1hrarv during the course ').f this show. ~l./'11Net.. lt>--10-(,1 Archie lloore To Recap \ote. In GSD 8peecr Archie Moore, formei world hght-heavy" eight bo . ing champion anrl nati~nally famous for founding thr Any Boy Can program, will speak at the University of San Di- ego Nov. 12. :\loore will give a , election analysis of the . tional black vote, and will the black peop1e·s position regardmg election resulls, according to James Murphy, chairman of the VSD political science club. The talk is part of the cur- rent semester's series of po- 1' litical speakers at USO. "We hope that one or more of the presidential contend- ers will be able to accept in• v1tahons to speak'' said Mur• phy ~·esterda~. "\\"t.. are ne- gotiating with Gov. GPorge Wallace and former Vice President Rirharrl :\"1xon. We have also invited Sen., Eugene McCarthy D-Mmn.) to address us. 01 her scheduled speeches J include Rep. Wad1e P. Ded deh (D-i7'th District1 will ;;peak Oc1 14 and Rep. Pete Wilson (R-76th District). on Oct. 23. USD Offers .)t&,7 l~eL - tea I ••#i Reading Course Open To Public The University of an Di- ego's Educational Develop- ment Center will start the sec- ond reading efficiency course Oct. 28 for the general public. Dr. Gerald Sperrazzo, Direc- tor of the Educational Deve- lopment Center said that the six-week course. provided for regular students t the Uni- versity was first made avail- able lo the general public in September and has bC'en .very successful. The course is de• s)g_ned to 1mpr0\e reading ef. fmency first by analysis of individual eye movement fol- lowed by the .application of tested methods of reading im- provement. Registration for the course is Oct. 21-24 at the EDC of the Alcala Park "CSD campus. Classes start. Oct. 28. Five 50- ~inute sessions weekly for · weeks Will be gi\'en. Appli- cants may choose either the se swn wh ich starts at noon or the afternoon ses•inn at 4:10 p.m Inquiries should be ad- I dressed to the Educational Development. Center, College for ~en, Unh-ersity of San Di<'go. U. of an DiPgo Admini. lrators Go To Dent'er Four 1 n Prs1t> or San Diego administrators left } es• terrlay for Denver where they will attend a conference on "The Future \cademic Com- munity: C on ti nu it y and Change." The meeting will mark the 51st annual convention of the American Council on Educa• lion. USO re,presentatives are Sister ·ancy ::\-forris, prf'Si• dent of the College for Wo- men: Sister !\ancy Furay, aca• dPmic dean of the College for Women. the \'er\' Rev. .John F Baer president of the Col- [Pge for • !en. and Dr. Henry ,J .\lartm academic dean ()f •he Co]IPge for \fen. School Dean Goe Speaking In ~1id,n,.~t ,Joseph A. Smclltico. dean of the Umvers1ty of San Die- go's School of Law, will leave S4nday on a four-day speak• ing tour of Midwest colleges. Sincl!tico will speak at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Carlton College in .'.'lorthfield, Minn.; the Um• versity of Illinois in Chicago and the University of Indiana in Bloomington. His subject will be ''Law as a Career." Enroute home. Sinchtico \\·ill stop in San Francisco to atlPnd a meeting of the Cah- fornia State Bar Association Oct. 19. Methodist Episcopal Church, f()llowed by panel di. cussion. The Very Rev. John E Baer, president, USD C',0llt>ge for .\fen, will instruct delegates on items for co ideration in study groups. ' he evening session at. 8 pm will be presided over by the Rev. lleher Pitman, presi- dent, San Diego County Coun, ell of Churches Rabbi Joel S. Goor, Temple Beth Israel, will ·ummarize the mee!Jl'l,i The , ession 1s open o tfie public with a registration fee of :i which include mater- ials and dinner. Checks should be made to: ational Conference of Christians and .Jew • 535 U. S. Grant Hotel, San Diego no later than Oct. 15. Oc to be'<
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