News Scrapbook 1968-1969

USD honori-; Spani-,h '°' eek s....,..~ l//cy'~P An arl p;bibtl m hono_r of San Diego·, 200th annll'er- ~ary and Spanish Weck fes- tnities is being held at the l mversit\· of San Diego through April 17. . Works hr students rn the l SI) Colle~e for Women art departmen~ are hung in the L D-CW Hose Room. 'l he ex- 1 bit is open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m Oils by the students of Sebastian Capella and water- colors bv t-he students of J\lrs. Rozetta llill are being shown. lso on display, at the USD-CW libran·. are books and paintings · from pain. part of the cele . in of '-panish Week. Th 1 pl JS open to the pubh through ,aturda,· from 9 am. o ;j 30 p.m.

Spanish S p Crew Attends pecial Mass The language was different but the message was the same as crewmen of the Spanish sail- ing ship Juan Sebastian de El- cano r a i s e d their voices in God·s praise at a special Mass yest c rd a y in St. Joseph's Catr., Tl• re singing at a special serv; cunducted by the Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, bishop of the San Diego Catholic dio- cese, to mark Spanish Week and attended by the Spanish ambas- sador and his wife, the Marquis and :\tarquesa Merry de! Val. T e w m e n of the four- a d .ailing ship which ar- rived trr Saturday were ac- companied by their own ship's band in singing a hymn in Span- ish to the· b I e s s e d Virgin Mary. "Their rich voices, accompa- nied by that wonderful band, sent one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard echo- ing round our cathedral," said the Rev. Anthony Giesing, rec- tor of the cathedral, who assist- ed the bishop in the Mass. Bishop Furey voiced a prayer for closer refations b e t w e e n Spain and the United Stales. u..i1otJ 4-1i+~b9 KEARNY l\IESA medical director of Ashbury . ledical clinic in San l:' rare s~o will ~peak on ca1.1ses, probl ems and c'?nsequence.- of drug abuse at a tudenl sponsor- <'d appearanre at the Uni- versit,· of San Diego Tue - da~·. April 29. Dr. David E. Smith will speak in the USD College for Women Theatre at 7:30 p.m,. according to Ray Sher- man, a. sociated ~tudents' pubhc events officer "Smith believes education is an effectuve cure to the problems of drugs and sick- ness, but that knowing how to listen is importan ," Sherman said. He noted that the sign over tre door of the seven-room non-profit clinic in the hippie com- munity reads, '·Haight- Ashbury Medical C' I i n i c Loves You." The hippie mo~emcnt is a product of the communica- tions gap. Dr. Smith has said, and e gap ne that can be bridged on when constructive educat onal and medican programs are es- tablished. The th e Haight

-Stoff Photo bV Frod Gates

Spani ft nC1uy midsTiipme , hono ed at u 1 1 f11pmen"s Hall last night at Unii,ersily u{ cm DieHO, l1ad women students {rom local <;o/ /eges us 1wslesses. 1'-lid,Tupmen and tlieir clHtes rc>p/ica o{ early Spwrisfr ,Tri/,! [, om le} 1, Mi , Ann G, uOC', niwnlo 0/, ,\/; 'l'<>rr y Graucs C111d l:nric/11<' T rrc• I on if.,1 ilu. J\Jid,l1ipmC'rt ure [ro111 T>i,il/11,, l1ip. lN{OrJ l{.-14-Co(} ::::;-=====-- S~ . G~ ~Ir, /Qb 9 Spain Week Lecture Series to Start Will Beain Fact of Faith Talks /ool.:irHJ C)flc>r

bh Pmhass) ; Leon IIerrera, direc- tor g neral of tourism, and Joaquin Rcnftez Lumbreras, deputy director general of information. Paintings will be on display from 9:30 a.m. to '.i::10 p.m. through Saturday.

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.... Tomorrow iOOth Birthday Events To Stress Cultural Heritage California paintings on d,s- play "7 Page b-10. t,C.Jv.r••~ 1//t 6 f Mayor curran ,efi11 · fficially open Spanish Week ai a ceremo- ny in the organ pavilion of Bal- boa Park at 10:30 a.m. tomor- row. The \\CCk is "A Salute to Spain" organized by the Spanish Relations Committee or S a n Diego's 200th Anniversary Inc. It is dcsign~d to heighten the awai·eness of the city's Spanish origins among residents and vis- itors. The openrng ceremonies are public. Preliminary activities including a selection of Spanish music played by a Marine band and p o s tin g of Spanish and American colors, will begin at 9:45 a.m. Charles E. Cordell. the 200th president, will lead the pledge of allegiance and extend greet- ings of the 200th organization. OFFICIALS TO ATTEND The Most Rev. Francis J. Fu- rey, bishop of the San Diego Catholic diocese, will give the invocation. Philip G i Id red. the 200th's commissioner general for April. will welcome officials of the Spanish government. One of them, Jose Lopez de Letona, information consul of Spain's embassy in Washington, will accept a plaque on behalf of the citizens of Petra de .:\fallor- ca, Spain, home of the Rev. Jun i p er o Serra, San Ditgo' founder. RECEPTION SET An identical plaque will be presented to Monsignor James Booth, the . ·ector of Mission San Diego de Alcala, for perma- nent placement in the mission. At 11 a.m. tomorrow there 11 ill be a reception for tl1e ~pan- ish officials at House of Hospi- tality. This will not be open lo the public. At 12:30 p.m., in the munici- pal gymnasium in Balboa Park, "Expotur," a cultural exhibit from Spain, will be opened. I will run daily until April 20, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Six hostesses from M a d r id will serve as guides at Expotur. Flamenco dancers will perform twice daily in the Spanish Wine Garden. FILM FESTIVAL Other activities of S p a n i s h Week include: -"Sp an i s It Swirl." films, fashions and flamenco, at 8 p.m. Friday in the Community Con- course. -"Spanish Film Festival," at 1:30 and 8 p.m. Saturday, next Sunday and April 14 at the Com• munity Concourse. - "Spanish Night at the Ball Game," 8 p.m. Thursday in San Diego Stadium. - The Spanish training ship '·San J'.lan Sebastian del El- cano" arrival in San Diego har- bor shortly before noon Satur- day. It will r e m a i n at the Broadway pier for a week. - An exhibit o! Spa · h art and rare books will held from tomorrow throug ril 20 at the lJSD libraq •. A ball for midshipmen of the Spanish ship will be held at 8:30 p.m. next .Sunday in the usp College toe women oatio.


Sen. Gale :\lcGee (D-Wyo.), 11 ill support I United ·' commitment in Vietnam in a public ad- dress at the Univer~ity of San Di (USD) pril 16. Ile will speak at 7:30 p.m. in the USD College for Women Theatre. A mem- ber of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, lllc- Gee has supported the .S. position in Vietnam and 1he maintenance of troops there.

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Dr. Swanke will present the series on morals. The lectures will be concerned with the nature of the moral act, the moral standard, the self as moral law, the moral agent, the moral act is performed rn c1rcumstanccs, and the goal of the moral agent. Father Alcaraz's group will meet in Room 235, Father Dolan

The Fact of Faith, an adult education program, sponsored by the Diocesan Ecumenical and Liturgical Commissions of San Diego, will continue into a second series of lectures beginning at 8 tonight (Thur- sday) and continuing every Thursday at the same time lo May 2i. The series will cover liturgy, scripture and morals in the separate lecture given in the University of San Diego De Sales Hall, said Dr. John Swanke. Swanke is general chairman of the adult education program and an associate professor of philosophy al USD. F'ather Michael Alcaraz, executive secretary of the Diocesan Liturgical Com- mission and rector of St. Francis Seminary, will present the series of six talks on liturgy. Father Alcaraz will speak on psychology of rite, Hebrew- Christian origins, early development of Christian rites, principles of reform, the Eucharistic celebration and the sacramental encounter. Scripture will be the subject given by Father Laurence Dolan, assistant professor of theology at USD. His topics will be revelation as the Word, prehistory of Genesis and its problems, prophets and their relevance today, Psalms as Christian prayer, synoptic Gospels and John, and Epistles.

in Room 2:3\1, and Or Swanke 111 1-toom 240 of De Sales Hall. The tickets for the series will be S10 per person. $15 per married couple, $5 for student with ASB card, or $2 per person per lecture, Dr Swanke said. Pre-reg,stratron or further mlormation is available at De Sales Hall or by calling Father Alcaraz' office. 29lH163 :S;i~~ •/ifK'g"• to be theme "Spring Fling" is t h e theme of the University of San Diego Women's Auxili- ary dinner dance to be held at 6:30 p.m. today at the CuyamM:a Club. Dinner will begin at 7:30 p.m. Dancing will follow dinner. Husbands and friends will be honored for their support of the auxiliary and the uni- versity throughout the year. The men will be presented boutonnieres and door prizes will be for men only. Chairman of the event is Mrs. John M. Athaide of Point Loma. Hostesses in- clude Mmes. Frank J. Con- nor of Clairemont, Irving W. Martin, Lawrence Oliver, Edmund R. Groswold, Leo J . Durkin and Paul l\. Vesco All are members o the e- cutive board of the auxilia . Reservations a r e being handled by Mmes. Frank F. Rose, Harold F. Tebbetts, R. Kenneth Whitney and Vesco.

Fiest To R call alifornia Days A m a r 1 a c h i Mass, a folk el wlll be opening events June Mass, a parade and entertain- 22. p~rade ~own an ,venue of m nt remmiscent of early Cali- ~ags wJll begin 11 a.m. Open- mg ceremonies will start on the fornia will be featured at the main stage at 11:30 a.m, 11th annual barbecue and fiesta The barbecue will be served or the San go-Imperial Val- from noon until 7 p.m. in the pa• ley Chapter, nights of Colum- tio area of the university cam, us, Jun 22 in Alcala Park, pus Singing group , dancer-, home o the Un1vers1ty of San musicians and other ente1 tain- Di ers will appear on building ba!, Thi c ~oluting San Diego's conics along the main street of 200th annl ·r 11ry the event will Alcala Park, on the stage and in be pre eded by a street dance the patio the night befor on the universl- Horselcs · carriages, horse- ly campus as members of the and-buggy and hay rides on the pon oring orguniza n from avenue of flags, a sports citr Imperial Valley's c 1 country rally, anti q u e gown fash barbecue beef uv r oak wood show, early California costume fires. contests, a Boy Scout exhibit, The mariJch1 :I-lass at 9:30 tours of the uni rs1ty buildings a.m. and the youth folk Mass at and a teen dance a o ar 10:30 a.m, in Immaculate Chap- planned. k,,. •.-... o/"/ v#',


Dinner Dance Set To Highlight Guild 'Faire'

An "Elizabethan Faire," de- signed to recall the high-spirited age to which a redheaded queen gave her name, and to honor the birthday of Queen Elizabeth's fa- vorite man of the theater, William Shakespeare, will be presented by Globe Guilders on April 19. The "faire" will be held in the pennant-draped patio, Rose Room and dining hall of the College for Women, University of San Diego. "Maids and knaves," in private life members of the auxiliary to Old Globe Theater and their hus- bands, will staff red and white striped booths in the patio, where Mrs. Fraser Macpherson, portray- ing Queen E 1i z a b e th, will hold court. A no-host cocktail hour in the snack shop will open the party at 7

p.m. A catered buffet dinner will be served in the dining hall from 8 to 10 p.m. Dancing to a combo will follow in the Rose Room, where walls are hung with the college's collection of framed scenes from Shakespearean plays. Mrs. Keith C. Jeffery is general chairman of the faire, which~will benefit the theater's 12 student per- formances of "Julius Caesar" and "Comedy of Errors." The student performances will be given by the Shakespeare Festival Equity Com- pany in full costume and stage set- ting before the formal opening of the international festival on June 10. Mrs. Richard H. Tullis is serving as cochairman. 0 t h e r s planning the event, to which 2,000 invitations have been mailed, are Mmes. Ste- phen G. W. Beck von Peccos, invi- tations; G. A. Schmidt, mailing; John P. Choi s s er, decorations; John Mazur, public re I at ions; James D. Brown and G. W. Bayne, music; Robert A.Ni ch o I as and John :vr. Riley, donations; Paul A. Guiles, ente1iainment; and maids and knave , Richard G. Fosburg. Adm. Clifford S. Cooper, CSN ret., and Mrs. Cooper are chairmen of hosts and hostesses. Mrs. Robert Kaveney is serving as treasurer and Mrs. John D. Frager as liai- son. :Mrs, Er n est E. Pund Jr., Globe Guilder president, is advisor. Reservations are being taken by Mrs. Leon R. Hubbard Jr. and Mrs. Henry L. Wheeler. Jeannette Branin

-Sfaff Photo bv Dennis Huls "Eli:zabetlwn Faire" at l 1 niver- sily of San Diego College {or \Vomen on April 19 is p/unned by. from left, Mme~. Leon R. Tlubbard Jr., reservations; John T-f. Ma:zur, public relations; James D. Brown, music clwirmun; and Paul Guiles, chairman o{ "maids [Ind knaves" group.

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