News Scrapbook 1968-1969



G-14 REPORT CARD School ancl Youth Notes Robert Farnham 17. son of Mt. and Mrs. Robert Farnham of Lakeside, has been chosen master councilor of the El Cajon Valley Chapter. Order of De'.\lolay. Installation ceremonies '\\'ill be held .May IO at 7 30 p.m. in the El Cajon . lasonic Temple.

'l'h's certainly mu t be one of the bigge•t , eeks in the history of The 'fimes and for m money you surely deserve it. 'eriou ly, I think that the job of new paper tod >, such a~ ) ou are doing, is o of the rea ons for the decline of tl•e ne11 we kl,es upon which Wf' once depend- ed o much for the mcanmg h 11ml the LEO.••\RD Kl, 1B \LT. 1 ice Pre,idenl Flying Tiger Line Inc. LosAngel,s ,,,, Con ratulations to you and your gang on the t\ o Pulitzer Prize • !;Ol)~ratulatlon! qn your nchly rl . en c,I Pulltz<"r!!, Proof po 1tl\"e that The Times is ruly on of the worfd' ~re· 1 t n ,1 spa- per ( LE rE ROBb:RT~ Hollywood Tho e two new fealher11 you'r wearing in ) our hat look JU t great. Congratulations. HUBBARD K~;,\YY Exerutive Editor Laguna • ·ew~ Po t Lagun Be ch ,,., .I \~!ES R'-'.:STO ' I•:xeculive E

Dr. C;urt Spani , 2067 Chal- cedony St acific Reach, ha been honored by 1h11 Univer- ity of San Diego tudcnt body for f he second con ecu- tive year as ''outstanding fac- ulty member." Presenting the- award , Eric ,Johnson, Associated St.ildent Body pre ident, ch acterized Spanis as •·above all a real human beln", the kind of pro- essor l hoped to Pxperience by corning to IISD" Among th e accomplish• ment. of Spani• Johnson hst- ed the founrling of thP Pep Club Band to rncrea chool spirit at alhl'lt1c games, coaching the tenm teams, and his erv1ce •~ faculty moderator for Phi Kappa Theta fratermty. During Spams' tenure as pre-merl1ral advisor in the b10Jogy department, ,Johnson continued. the aepartment has ach e:vcd one. of the high- est ace tance !es for ap- plications t'l m diral schools f all college in t e nation. Professor Honored Bv Students .JO Ur.>8 J/f/1: y Dr Curt Spanis, biology professor at the University of San Diego, has been honored by the student body for the second consecutive year as "out- standing faculty member'' He also received top honors in the Division of Natural Sciences, also for the second year in a row. Spanis received his trophy at the annual Umver it~ Ball at Hotel del Coronado 1 Presenting the awtrd, Eric Johnson, Associa ~A tudents president, characteriz Spams as "above all a real human being, the kind .of professor I hoped to expenenc ' by com- ing to CSD." Others honored in the com,, petition were Father William Shipley. Division of Humanities; Donald Lintz, Division of Business and Dr. A. John Valois, 'Division of Social Science. Among the accompJi hments of Spanis, Johnson listed the founding of the Pep Club Band, to increase school ·pirit at athletic games, coaqlJ µg ijle tennis teams a h · s rvI.Ce as faculty moder.a Q or Phi Kappa Theta fraternity. on can1pus Guest instrumentalists, fac- ulty and student soloist will be featured at the Umversity of San Diego annual spring concert at 8 p.m. Sunday in the USD College for Women Theatre. Admission is free. The university"s chorus and orchestra and the USD College for :vlen Glee Club also will perform The 25-piece orchestra will p e r f o rm "Prelude and Fugue" by Vittoria Giannini under the baton of John Gar- vey. The 40-voice chorus will be led by Dr. John A. Williams in Anton Dvorak's "Songs of Nature." The glee club will present "A Song of Peace," by Sibe- lius and Wilson. "Discovery" by Edward Greig and "The Impossible Dream ."

It is simple Lo advocate that President _.r-;1xon take immediate steps to take the lnited States out al Vietnam, said Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kansas. ..A more realistic appraisal mdicates that we cannot expect to abandon overnight a commitment that has been the basis of our foreign policy in Southeast Asia for the past 15 years. ' Dole was speaking lo concerned ,tudenls meetmg ye terday al the University ol San Die__go in a conference spon,orcd b> the Republican i\at10nal Committee. ___________ It was called· Opportunities Un- OCEAN STUDY limited" and a· open lo stu- dents from co ~es and univer- ALK SLATED sities m South rn California. T The senator ntinued, •·The capt. Charles B. Bishop. Vietnam war st be settled Naval Undersea Re. earch this year. I think right now the and Development Center American people are willing to commander. \\Ill be the give Pre~idenl , 'ixon the time principal speaker at a to do so." luncheon Fnday of the San He said at the very least. we Diego Council ot the Nav can e.xped the South Vietnam- League of the l mted States. ese to assume a greater respon- Bishop \\ ill Lalk about th1' sibility for the war effort during future rolP uf thC' center 111 this next year. o(·eanograph) Whatever the solullon, Dole The luncheon will b•· 111 said, •·It has to be a meaningful the U.S. Grant Hotel peac~ settlement and it has to ___......;._______ be..on _hor1orable terms. . _th Buffalo Bills ai,d a spce1.1l rt 1s. n~w ~ecessary.. no m.i_t as I tant lo Hepublican National ter 1!01\ _d1fhcult, that we be P~· Chairman Rogers c. B. Morton, t1en\, while the diplomats negoh• also poke to the tudenls. ate. . . . He said, "This country rcpre In d1,cus~mg national secur!· ·cnl the highest pinnacle of t~. D~le sa1~ the toug~est dec1: self-go\ ernmenl ever achicv _d s1on • 1xon has mad,e. was lo en in the histo l al man and 11 1s dorse the anhbalhsllc nuss1le mcomprehensible to me that system. somi: people are tQ ing to rle• DECISlO . DLIIATEU slro, it "It 11as the Pr idenl 11ho hc1d i•no man· proplc arc tan

Food Service Grant Given The Western Regional Con- ference of the Food Service Executive Association granted a 250 scholarship to Stephen Spencer, 22, a hotel restaurant operation maJor :it Mesa Col- lege. Spencer, who plans to be graduated in June with an as- sociate in arts degree, is the fifth student from Mesa Col- lege to receive an a ard from he association. Legal Brief Honored A team of three students from United States Internation- al University's C a Ii for n i a Western School of Law has won the bf>st legal brief in the four-day finals of the Jessup In ernational Law :\loot Court competition held this week in

<,C:OltGr; l\ll l'l' f'{ U.S. Senator a luni;ton, D C


Washington. Myron Nordquist, Brian Hoyle and Richard Speare prepared the winning brief, concerning the legal ramifications when one nation constructs an artificial island 45 miles from the coast of another country. USD Professor to Speak at Biological Institute The of Cortez Biological Institute will hold a meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Room '127 of the University of San Diego Col- lege £ r Ien. Topic of the meeting, open to the public will be estuar· bi o , with John S. Bradshaw, USO ass· t pro- !es or of as speaker. The meeting :will be fo o ·ed by a short tour of the USD biology facilihe .

A sophomore at the Uni- i\1rs. versity of San Diego College

F. Howard,



er of Ylr. and

dau John

oward. 4276 Del Mar for Women she recently was Ave, Ocean Beach. will be named news editor of the awarded the San Diego Pub- campus newspaper, Vista, on lie Relations Cluh"s annual which she has worked for the $200 tjlolarship during a last two years. She will take club lune eon mPeting June over her new post in the fall 9 at the Islandia Hotel. semester. She is now feature

editor. 'Miss Howard is majoring L'l political science and English and plans to minor in philo- sophy and hi·tory She has ·•·orked summers to help p for books. The scholarship also will help de- fra the added expense of living on campus next fall to widen activities in school pro- grams. "My v.ork in journalism has been tremendously re- warding and I hope to con- tinue it," Miss Howard said. -.u.c--~~~ Catholics S Dates For 1st 1969 Cursillo An inspirational program, "Cursillo in Christian Communi- ty," will be attended Thursday through May 18 by men from San Diego, Vista, Carlsbad, El Centro, Calexico and the Los Angeles area. The program will be held at St. Edward's Catholic Church in Corona. The first cursillo (short course) in the San Diego Catho- lic Diocese this year, the pro- gram "is an experience of vital- izing religious faith," Dr. Ri- hard Coanda, an associate pro- fessor of English at University of San Diego, said. He is rector and one of the organizers of the cursillo. ". en from various back- grounds will gather at Corona to worship and share the Christian realit through song, informal chats a group activities," Coanda said.

Scholarship Award Luncheon Scheduled r Janet F. Howard of 4276 Del t Mar Ave., will be awarded the ;r San Diego Public Relation 1i. Club's annual 200 scholarship',i at a noon club luncheon at the Islandia Hotel on June 9. .-. Miss Howard, a sophomore at the University of San Diego Col- lege for Women, has worked on the campus newspaper, Vista. for the past two years. "i


Con ratulatHJ'l l' \wards The Timi's 1~ a "'reat newspaper, and 1t 1s eneouragin" that thi • recogni ion i3 being accorded lo you on a 1 atlonal scale. \\'AL'Tim P COO. 18S General Secretary l 'alifomia State Colleges y' I ,et me add my congratulations for the double Pulitzer Prize won by The Times. All of us at the World Affairs Council are great admirers of The Times and very grateful or the fine cooperation we ha\·e ah\a,Y r ived from you. .JOH.' H. ROB1. 0 •, R. Executi, e Dire or World \ff Ira Council Los Angeles on the t11;0

d ence, Dole

responded the question of what to do about campus unrest. "I think the key to it has to be expulsion. I believe in the right to dissent but there is also a right to conform in America and 98 per cent of the people want to go to class." He told the students earlier, ''You challenge our institutions because they are a product of our society. The youth of Amer- ica are the best educated, most success oriented g eration in the history of the world. You have been encouraged to exer- cise freedom of thought and in the pr ess have found a differ- ence between what we as adults preach and what we do." . In addition, "Many of our m- stitutions have failed to recog- nize that the nature of our socie- ty in the late 1960's, has changed drastically from that of the 1940's and 1950's and even early 1960's. Yet, o institu- tions have not always responded to the requirements of a com· plex, technological-oriented so- ciety" Dole concluded that the "Crit- icism of our institutions may be healthy, but we cannot condone the violent methods used by the students to achieve their ends." He did not advocate direct · government intervention in the problem. He said expulsion , from the academic community would be more effective. . Dole also complimented San Diego teenagers on th success of the recent Walk for Develop· ment which helped raise money to counter hunger and malnutri- tion. to

POLITICIANS WILL SPEAK Three prominent political figures will speak at USD today during an all-day con- ference for Southern Califor- nia college and university student leaders. They are Rep,ubJican Na- tional Committee Chairman Rogers C. B. Morton, U.S. Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., and Dr. Gaylord Parkinson former chairman of the Re~ publican State Central Com- mittee.

Youths Plan Decency Rally By JERRY, FROIDE . Law and chairman of the ral- A mass "Youth for Dency" ly. committee, said the ·rally r-ally will be held in Balboa w 111 demonstrate that most . students oppose smut and fa- Stadium June 23, several stu- vor decent literature. dents anno.'..mced yesterday. "We're aiming for a turnout with two talks on the narcotics and smut problems here. Lee Lokey, a junior at Hill- top High School said the ma- jority of students that don't use drugs must stand up and be counted. S tu d e n t representatives were chosen at the meeting to p r o m o t e the rally at their schools. "The Random Sample," a Youth for Christ folk-singing group, provide entertainment. Some 75 youths inet yester- of 20,000 youths," Lane said.

Other members of the corn- rn1ltee are: Brian Clasen of San Diego City College, Caro- lyn Illig of Mesa C o 11 e g e, Steve Irwin of the American Business College and Margar- et Sperry of Christian High SchooL

Dana Lombardi, a student at San Diego State College and member of the commit- tee, .urged the students to take part in the rally. He voiced concern about the smut being mass,mailed to residents in the area.

Tokyo. Bishop Fure) is on an 18-day tour of Japan and other Pacifi,: area;; to confirm children ol .S. serYic:emen. He return· to -·an Diego ?.Ia~, 13.

day at the University of San Diego College for Women to organize the rally "to show held in Baltimore, S e a t t I e that the great ma i or it y of Washington, D.C., particularly young people are against por- one in Miami Beach that drew nography." 30,000 youths to the Orange He noted the success of 0th- er Yo>Jth for Decency rallies


Gary Lane, a graduate stu- dent at the USD School of

Yesterday's meeting opened

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