2020 Fall Edition Newsletter

QUERIES Stacy Kelly wanted info on Isaac Applegate and his wife Eliza Jane Morgan Lee Wadsworth is looking Henry Corey and Mary Davis Corey and family Gary Marsden wants to know about James and Maude Brown and Charles and Clare O’Conner Christopher Burnett wants to know about George Jackson, his grandfather. Gary Clendening wants to know if we have any info on the Clendenning Family Kathy Noltensmeyer is looking for a marriage record for Laura French and John Lynnfrom of Spring Hill Sherry Mitchell needs info on New Jersey settlers in Somer set in 1860’s Margaret Lindsey wants info on John W Lindsey who died in Paola Shirley Jack would like info on Estella Dagenette, was she married to Lloyd W Kern Marsha Farmer wants a photo of Rev. William Thomas Russell, early Baptist pastor Nathan wants obit for George W Farrar who died 1 Sep 1928 Shelly White is looking for birth records for Arthur B Stowe Nancy Garrow is trying to locate a business run by Ezra W Christie and his wife Victoria or his daughter ,Henrietta Rex Stacie Gonzalez want to know about William H McMillan who performed in the Patterson Circus Frank Jastrezembski wantS info on Colonel John Wesley Horner who died in the Osawatomie State Hospital 16 Aug 1874

MINI MINUTES September through November The museum is enjoying new carpet that was installed recently in building one Larry Lybarger, President of the Miami Co. Historical Museum has resigned effective Sept., 9. He and his wife Sharon are moving to Arizona. Larry will be greatly missed. Vince Thorpe announced that the museum now has Pay Pal. Mike and LeAnne Shields have been appointed to the Executive Board. Election of officers has been post poned until 2021. Wes Cole is presiding as President until the next election. Locks have been purchased for all the display cabinets. Vince Thorpe has suggested the museum develop a Museum Logo. Mike Hursey arranged for several men who are Flint Knappers to give a demonstration on making arrow heads. The event was held October 10th in front of the muse um There were over 70 persons watching arrowheads being made.

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