Boxall 2021 Flip

expansive YELLOWSTONE and TEXAS MADRONE’s vibrant saturated color bursting through fused pinks and browns and the sudden dominant whites that perfectly capture the essence of these majestic trees with their clusters of pale flowers stalwartly breaking the Texas plains. Appropriately, in response to the unfettered expanse of the natural landscape, Boxall transfers immediately that instinctual response. After years of exploring the automatic, it has become a tool for immediate implementation—responsive and reactive, the unconscious and the aware, an opportunity to find magic both in the dreams alone and the dreams with others. Here, Boxall finds the harmony to give us our a-ha moment.

Jen Sudul Edwards, Ph.D. Chief Curator and Curator of Contemporary Art The Mint Museum

BEAUTY POOL 2020 Acrylic, Pastel, Oil and Spray Paint on Canvas 48 x 36 inches

1 Li-Young Lee, The Undressing . (New York, London: W.W. Norton, 2018), 14-15. 2 In conversation with the author, December 2, 2020. 3 Ibid. 4 Conversation with the author, October 17, 2019.

5 Ibid, 2019. 6 Ibid, 2019. 7 Ibid, 2019. 8 Ibid, 2020. 9 Ibid, 2020.

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