The DEA seizes the assets of drug dealers, such as money, cars, boats, and houses, to prevent them from carrying on their activities. It also runs community programs to help users kick the habit and to educate younger people about the dangers of drugs to discourage them from using drugs before they ever start. Throughout this book, you will learn how the DEA puts these methods into practice and how its high-tech methods and constant vigilance are winning the war on drugs. The Problem with Drugs You may have heard people your own age say they have taken drugs. They usually start because of peer pressure. Someone in their group of friends suggests they try it and—not wanting to look different or scared—they join in. If they are honest, most people’s first experience of taking a drug is not pleasant. They may cough violently, choke, and have watery eyes or a runny nose. But if they keep taking it, their body learns to tolerate the drug, and eventually to crave it until they cannot do without it. In other words, they become addicted. They may also begin to enjoy the effects of drugs, many of which produce feelings of excitement, euphoria , or even hallucinations , but only for a short time. Meanwhile, these drugs

are damaging the body. Gradu- ally, drug users’ physical and mental powers become weaker and weaker, and they feel ill and confused most of the time. Fam- ily and friends may find it hard to recognize them. Eventually, the drugs could kill their users; indeed, it is all-too-easy to take an overdose by mistake.

Many young people feel pressured by their friends to try drugs.

T he D rug E nforcement A dministration


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