The Gazette 1990

istory shows that you can't succeed in Europe

without a little local


network covers Ireland, the UK and over- seas. Indeed, thanks to our links with James Capel, we have an international pres- ence Napoleon would have envied. If you'd like to know more, phone Kevin McGowan at Dublin 793888. We were already giving advice on investments in Ireland a mere 25 years after the defeat of le Petit Général. So rest assured - we know the territory. which

Napoleon as familiar with the battlefield at Waterloo as he might have been. So he was quite taken aback when a fresh battalion of Wellington's men emerged from the cover of a sunken road to the south. The rest is, as they say, history. But it serves to illustrate the importance of local knowledge when you're searching for profitable opportunities in Europe. At Goodbody James Capel we'll provide the expertise you'll need to take maximum advantage of opportunities in the Irish investment market. wasn't

We're Ireland's largest independent agency broker, specialising in Institutional Equities and Gilts, Interna- tional Bonds, Futures and Options. (In a survey conducted by Finance, the journal of Ireland's money and capital markets, we were placed top in all interna- tional categories. We were also voted Ireland's fastest growing stockbroker for the second year running). Our private clients profit from an intelligence I n t e r n a t i o n a l

S t o c k b r o k e r s . Goodbody James Capel 5 CO ILL (, 1- (. R t t N , DUBLIN 2 , I R t LAN D. TEL: 7 9 J 8 8 8 . I- A X : 7 9 1 8 08

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