Emergency Preparedness

2. How the hospital will communicate information and instructions to staff and licensed independent practitioners: Upon activation of the EOP, the HCC will establish mechanisms for initial and ongoing communication with HCWs. The mechanism(s) utilized will be dependent on the scope and duration of the emergency as well as its impact on communication systems/methods. A multi-modality approach may be necessary to facilitate effective communication. Key HICS members will be notified upon activation of the EOP. These individuals should report to the briefing, which will provide information on the scope and nature of the emergency, its anticipated impact on the organization, and the initial level of hospital activation. Off-Duty Employee Notification: Following the briefing, each department will assess its needs and any additional HCWs required will be contacted to return to the hospital. Returning HCWs are to respond to the Labor Pool for verification of employment, identification, and deployment. Volunteers will be processed in accordance to the Volunteer Credentialing Policy. HCWs not on duty at the time of the emergency may be notified (if necessary) through activation of department or unit call- back procedures. It is important to avoid overwhelming the hospital with excess HCWs and phone calls. During an extended incident, HCWs will be called in to relieve on-duty personnel. Depending on the event, childcare and pet care services may be offered on site or in close proximity to the hospital. If phone service is disrupted, the following should be considered: • Notify HCWs through public service announcements on local television and radio • Notify HCWs through announcements placed on the organization's website • Utilize mass communication systems such as Clarvia Mass Communication System programmed to send notification and updates via email. Throughout the duration of the emergency, key response leaders should be appraised at least daily by the HCC as to the following: • Anticipated needs and activities during the upcoming 24-hour period • Posting of information at the Labor Pool or other locations where HCWs congregate • Dissemination of information by email, phone, memorandum or other publications • Communication through department managers and supervisors. Licensed Independent Practitioners: Licensed Independent Practitioners who are within the facility premises will be notified as above. Licensed Independent Practitioners who are offsite will be notified by • The status of the organization • The status of the emergency

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