P&P December 2015

locally speaking

By Jon Rubin

Partnerships in Action The Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Suicide Prevention Task Force

“T he Suicide Task Force will cast a wide net for member- ship and must include professionals in private and public practice of mental health, clergy, educators, survivors, the Coroner’s office, funeral directors, medical professionals and emergency responders.” With these words, Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia, the Board of Bucks County Pennsylvania Commissioners, including Commissioner Chairman Rob Loughery and Commissioner Charley Martin, unanimously approved the formal commencement of the Bucks County Suicide Task Force in September 2013, and set a tone of part- nership and shared governance for a major county initiative. The Bucks County Suicide Task Force is unique in that way. Although the project was sponsored by county gov- ernment, leadership of the task force is a shared public–private partnership at the “Chair” level and through multiple committees focused on community participation. The task force’s overarching goals are: reducing stigma, increasing the number of individuals seeking support, supporting individuals who have lost loved ones to suicide, and decreasing suicides in the county. These goals guide how the work happens through community involvement in subcom- mittees focused on: „ „ Adult Suicide Prevention: working to provide face-to-face education in the community regarding suicide prevention. „ „ Youth Suicide Prevention: collabo- rating with school communities to reduce the incidence of youth suicide.

knowledge in the areas of suicide assessment, intervention, and “post- vention” care. „ „ Older Adults: seeks to provide edu- cation and resources to providers and agencies who work with older adults that may experience thoughts of suicide. „ „ First Responders: helping first responders cope with the effects of suicide response, providing educa- tion about things they can do or say when working with survivors, and providing them prevention support. „ „ Transition Age Youth: focusing on identifying the best ways to prevent

„ „ Families: providing support for survivors of suicide and help raise awareness by taking an active role in suicide prevention and advocacy for legislation that supports the improvement of the mental health system and treatment options. „ „ Faith-Based Communities: con- necting faith communities with education and prevention resources focused on mental health to reduce the incidence of suicide. „ „ Professionals and Volunteers: supporting medical, mental health, and addiction professionals and volunteers engaged in direct public contact by assuring that these indi- viduals have the necessary skills and

See Bucks County on page 27

Photograph via Shuttersrock

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