ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 - Main Report

Better planning of the future TYNDP processes ACER recommends to better plan the future TYNDP processes, in order to make sure that the official submission of the draft TYNDP for the Agency’s opinion con- tains also the information regarding the consultation process, as required by Articles 9(2) and 10 of Regulation (EU) 715/2009. In the ENTSOG Annual Work Programme 2016, TYNDP 2017 was planned to be released in December 2016, on time for its contribution to the 3 rd PCI selection process. Based on the recommendation of ACER opinion on the ENTSOG Annual Work Programme 2017, ENTSOG has adapted its process, in an open dialogue with ACER, to issue the TYNDP 2017 as a draft in December 2016, and as final in April 2017, ahead of the decisional part of the 3 rd PCI process. This has resulted, both for ACER and ENTSOG, in a constrained timeline (for ACER to issue its opinion and for ENTSOG to run the public consultation and publish the final TYNDP 2017). As a result, the public consultation feedback was provided to ACER shortly after the closure of the public consultation, but after the formal submission of the draft TYNDP to ACER. For TYNDP 2018, and in line with ACER recommendation, ENTSOG intends to plan for the process in line with Articles 9(2) and 10 of Regulation (EU) No. 715/2009. Eligibility guidelines for TYNDP projects ACER recommends that ENTSOG propose adequate eligibility guidelines to filter out unrealistic projects from future TYNDPs. ENTSOG notes that Annex III.2(5) of Regulation (EU) No. 347/2013 foresees that the European Commission should issue Guidelines on the criteria to be applied by ENTSO-E and ENTSOG when developing their respective TYNDPs, referred to in points (3) and (4) of Annex III.2. These Guidelines indeed refer to projects submit- ted to TYNDP. In this context, the ACER recommendation appears as being under European Commission responsibility. These Guidelines by the European Commission do not exist today. ENTSOG stands ready to support the European Commission in develop- ing such Guidelines by providing its expertise.

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Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2017 Main Report

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