The Gazette 1996


JULY 1996

QettinCf, MawUed? For a wedding with a difference, full of warmth and celebration, choose the romantic and historical jetting of Blackball Place.

We cater for Wedding Receptions and Parties for up to 200 people and offer a variety of menus and wines to suit your requirements.

The Law Society's patio garden and famous architecture will complement any photograph on this special day.

Please contact ÁLne



Manager at (01) 671 0711

Ho w Yo u Ca n Hel p Th Donkey s I n Irelan d

Over 1,200 donkeys have been taken into our care. Many like Thomas rescued from a life of neglect and suffering. Thomas' hooves had been allowed to grow so long he could stand for only very short periods. We believe that donkeys deserve to be treated humanely - they have served us well over the years pulling carts and hauling peat. We owe them the opportunity to spend their retirement in peace with adequate care and attention.

Pleas e hel p u s t o hel p the m b y leavin g a legac y fo r thei r future . For more information please contact: Paddy Barrett, Manager, The Donkey Sanctuary, (Dept LSG), Knockardbane, Liscarroll, Mallow, Co. Cork. U.K. Reg. Charity No. 264818 Tel: (022) 48398


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