The Gazette 1996



S 1 L A | T I ; 0 N j U P D A T E [JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1996

P A R L I A M E N T A RY C O M M I T T E E 1 9 9 5 L E G I S L A T I ON U P D A T E - December 1995


Title of Act and Date Passed

Commencement Date/s


Securitisation (Proceeds of Certain Mortgages) Act, 1995 (30 November, 1995) Provides for the securitisation of the receipts arising from local authority mortgages.

30 November, 1995


Courts and Court Officers Act, 1995 (15 December, 1995) Provides: for increases in the numbers of judges of the Supreme Court, High Court, Circuit Court and District Court; that the Supreme Court may sit in divisions and for the abolition of the Court of Criminal Appeal and the transfer of its jurisdiction to the Supreme Court; for the establishment of a Judicial Appointments Advisory Board; for the transfer of trials in criminal cases by judges of the Circuit Court; for the eligibility of solicitors for appointment as Circuit Court judges and that a Circuit Court Judge of four years standing shall be qualified for appointment as a Judge of the Supreme Court or the High Court.

15 December, 1995 Commencement Order/s to be made for ss.3(2), 4, 5 and 44


Civil Legal Aid Act, 1995 (16 December, 1995) Places the Scheme of Civil Legal Aid and Advice on a statutory footing; provides for the establishment of a statutory Legal Aid Board to administer the Scheme.

16 December, 1995 Establishment Order to be made


21 December, 1995

Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1995 (21 December, 1995) Allows shops and supermarkets which are licensed to sell intoxicating liquor by retail and other licensed premises to remain open on Christmas Eve or 23 December in any year that either day falls on a Sunday, as if it were a weekday. Amends and extends the Licensing Acts 1833 to 1994; amends the Registration of Clubs Acts, 1904 to 1988.


Appropriation Act, 1995 (21 December, 1995)

21 December, 1995

Appropriates to the proper purposes sums granted out of the Central Fund. Provides for the setting up, and payments on an ex-gratia basis out of, a special account to be funded from moneys provided by the Oireachtas in the Health Vote in respect of a scheme of compensation established or to be established by the Minister for Health.


Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1995

21 December, 1995

(21 December, 1995) Makes further provision in relation to the production, supply, sale, transmission, distribution and use of certain forms of energy.


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