The Gazette 1996

(IA/L- I I I .

MARCH 1996

Compensation Fund Payments Out -March, 1996 The following claim amounts were admitted by the Compensation Fund Committee and approved for payment by the Council at its meeting in March 1996. IK£


the load housing authority and the maintenance by the authority of a public register of such houses. Annual fee of £40 in respect of each house.

23/1996 KC (Insurance

Undertakings: Accounts) Regulations, 1996 (live effect to the Council Directive on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of insurance undertakings <91/674/EEC). This Directive provides for the application of the 4th and 7th Company Law Directive to insurance companies, taking account of specif ic features of the accounts of insurance companies. Brings into operation from II March, /996, section 51 of the Act in respect of certain categories of investment business firms and certain categories of investment business services. Also commences the Investment Intermediaries Act, /99.5, in respect of member firms of the Irish Stock Exchange Linn ted with effect from / April, /996.

40/1996 Irish Medicines Board Act, 1995 (Commencement) Order, 1996

Brings section 4( I) (a), (b) and (e), section 55 and the schedule to the Act into operation on / Eebruary, /996.

Maloeeo & Killeen, Chatham House. Chatham Street, Dublin 2.


Thomas ./. Eurlong, Lower Main Street.


46/1996 Family Law Act, 1995 (Commencement) Order, 1996 f ixes the / August, 1 996, as the date on which the Act comes into force.

28/1996 Investment Intermediaries Act. 1995 (Commencement) (No. 2) Order. 1996

Lellerken ny. Co. Donegal.

James C. (ilynn, Dublin Road, Tuam. Co. Calway.


Margaret Byrne, Librarian. L)

Eraneis (1. Costello, 51 Donnybrook Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4. Dermal Kavanagh, 2 Mary Street, New Ross, Co. Wexford.



I R I S H I) o c u M F: N T E X C H A N G E

29/1996 Investment Intermediaries Act, 1995 (Bonding of Intermediaries) Regulations. 1996 Specify the form of bond to be used by authorised

John K. Brennan, Mayfield,

O V E R N I G H T - EVERY N I G H T E V E R Y W H E RE Don't post it, DX it!


Fainiscorthy, Co. Wexford.

Jonathan PT Brooks, 17/18 Nassau Street, Dublin 2.


investment business firms pursuant to section 51 of the Act; including the form of a single bond under section 51(5) (e) of the Act which satisfies the requirement to be bonded

670.324.36 n

37 Fenian Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 676 4601. Fax: 01 676 7093

Solicitors Confidential Helpl ine JUST CALL 284 84 84

under Part IV of the Insurance Act, I9B9.

OFFSHORE SERVICES Providing International Offshore Trusts. Companies and Administration Services since 1985. Multilingual stall Specialist Spanish connections Professionalism and confidentiality assured. Furopa Trust Company Limited Bourne Concourse. I'eel Street. Ramsey. Isle of Man IMS IJ J Tel: 00 44 1624 814555 Fax: 00 44 1624 816299 ConiiK i Paul M llrennock ICIS, /• Inst I) John M Watterson Solicitor

30/1996 Housing (Registration of Rented Houses) Regulations. 1996

Come into operation on / May, 1 996. Provide for the registration of certain private rented houses with


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