WBASNY Virtual Convention 2021 Registration Brochure

Animated publication


F RIDAY , M AY 21 8:30 a.m.


9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Gentle Yoga & Meditation Continuing Legal Education Seminars

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

� Diversity & Inclusion - Consideration in 2021 & Beyond

10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

� Trends in Cybercrime

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Board of Directors Meeting Continuing Legal Education Seminars

1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

� The Perils of Prenups

� After the Conviction - Helping People Restore Their Rights

3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Poker Powher

Awards Ceremony

7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Outgoing President’s Reception

S ATURDAY , M AY 22 8:30 a.m.

Login Continuing Legal Education Seminars

9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

� #meThree? Navigating Conflicting Standards in Sexual Harassment Law

10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

� Whose Baby is it Anyway

10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Self - Care for Success and Business

11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Annual Meeting (Plenary Session) Continuing Legal Education Seminars

1:15 p.m - 2:15 p.m. 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

� Reasonable Accommodations in an Unreasonable World � New Frontiers in Family Law in a Post COVID - 19 World

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Installation Ceremony

7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Incoming President’s Reception

F RIDAY , M AY 21, 2021

T RENDS IN C YBERCRIME (1.0 HOUR ) This presentation will focus on the cybercrime threat landscape over the past year, from the perspective of a local prosecutor’s office. The topics and trends covered will include business email compromise fraud; fraud involving cryptocurrencies, including ransomware and account takeovers; and trafficking of personal identifying information online. Speaker: Elizabeth Roper, Esq. D IVERSITY & I NCLUSION - C ONSIDERATION IN 2021 & B EYOND (1.0 HOUR ) This program will address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by examining federal and New York State laws as they apply to employment, as well as businesses and their customers in our society. The program materials will dis- cuss several of the United States Supreme Court's 2020 landmark cases, examine how diversity and inclusion efforts are moving forward in 2021, and also evaluate certain areas where efforts still fall short. Speaker: Prof. Michael L. Fox, JD T HE P ERILS OF P RENUPS (1.5 HOURS ) Prenuptial agreements are becoming ever more popular even as most people recognize that a prenup often hurts the relationship and can even cause its very destruction. In many instances a prenup in New York accom- plishes nothing, so there is no reason to incur its serious risks. Yet, in other instances, a prenup might actually be needed. In this presentation, the speaker will discuss when a prenup is not necessary and when it is, the harms a typical prenup causes, and how to prepare and negotiate one so that it improves, rather than harms, the betrotheds’ relationship. Speaker: Chaim Steinberger, Esq. A FTER THE C ONVICTION - H ELPING P EOPLE R ESTORE T HEIR R IGHTS (1.5 HOURS ) There are over 35,000 collateral consequences to the criminal conviction throughout the United States. They can range from voting and housing restrictions, denial of bank loans, and employment and educational license denial. Despite these ongoing issues, many practitioners fail to appreciate the great work that can be done in the post - conviction arena to help their clients move forward in their lives. This CLE will look at the overall pic- ture of collateral consequences, explore the obligations under Kentucky v. Padilla, and review the various types of post - conviction relief that is instrumental in helping post - conviction clients achieve their goals, particularly certificates of relief from civil disabilities, certificates of good conduct, and sealing motions. Attendants will get a thorough review of each type of relief available, including the forms and tips on enhancing their clients’ applica- tions. Speaker: Elizabeth A. Justesen, Esq., MSW

S ATURDAY , M AY 22, 2021

W HOSE B ABY IS IT A NYWAY (1.0 HOUR ) Legislation concerning surrogacy, with the support of WBASNY, was finally passed in New York, making gesta- tional surrogacy legal as of February 15, 2021. This program provides an overview of the new surrogacy law, and the requirements of a Gestational Carrier Agreement. The program will also address how intended parents, surrogates and the children born through assisted reproduction technology are impacted from a psychological perspective. Additionally, the program will exhibit a mock interview between an attorney and an intended parent, and address the everyday practices surrounding surrogacy. Speakers: Susan Baldomar, Andrea Braverman, Ph.D., Denise Seidelman, Esq., Yifat Shaltiel, Esq. R EASONABLE A CCOMMODATIONS IN AN U NREASONABLE W ORLD (1.0 HOUR ) This presentation is designed to help employers navigate the world of “accommodations” – traditional and new – made complex by a global pandemic and administrative guidance that seems to change from one day to the next. The speaker will address the resurgence of traditional accommodation requests under the ADA and re- quests made under NY leave laws, along with the increase in nontraditional “accommodation” requests not nec- essarily covered or well explained by the current legal framework. Speaker: Jacqueline Phipps Polito, Esq. # ME T HREE ? N AVIGATING C ONFLICTING S TANDARDS IN S EXUAL H ARASSMENT L AW (1.5 HOURS ) As accusations and allegations of sexual harassment continue to make headlines, employers, educators, attor- neys, and courts must answer a fundamental question, What IS sexual harassment, anyway? This program of- fers an overview of the changing landscape of sexual harassment law, focusing on current, often conflicting, legal standards imposed by recent changes to both state and federal law: the New York Human Rights Law (Executive Law §§ 290 et seq. ), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC §§ 2000e et seq.; 29 CFR Part 1601), and, most controversially, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 USC §§ 1681 et seq. ; 34 CFR Part 106), recently implemented regulations which explicitly apply to employment in specific contexts. Thorough jurisprudence has been applied to only one of these statutes in their current iterations, leaving liti- gants and policy - makers and litigators with questions that remain to be explored. Speaker: Elizabeth A. Ledkovsky, Esq. N EW F RONTIERS IN F AMILY L AW IN A P OST -COVID-19 W ORLD (1.0 HOUR ) During the past two decades, the concept of parenthood has been dramatically redefined. Shared custody has been normalized. Gender roles are in flux, but also evolving are assisted reproductive technologies and laws addressing parenting options and re- productive rights. Fertility treatments are becoming increasingly popular, destigmatized and more widely accepted, and increasing- ly, covered by insurance. LGBTQ couples and single parents have contributed to the demand. All of these modern parenthood options are creating a new frontier in family law. Legal complications abound when it comes to parental rights and child custody, especially in the absence of a written agreement between the parents. Speaker: Jacqueline Harounian, Esq.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt The WBASNY Virtual Scavenger Hunt will take place over the two days of the Convention and is a re- mote app - based game where players scramble to find items or fulfill challenges before time runs out. Think you know a lot about WBASNY or the law? Think you have what it takes to solve puzzles? Then you won’t want to miss the fun. Participants will be able to track their progress on the leaderboard and the highest scorer will be awarded a prize. Gentle Yoga & Meditation This class experience is a beautiful balance of Yin & Yang. You will systematically increase blood flow and build some heat with gentle and accessible, yoga sequences, followed by grounding yoga stretch- ing. The experience finishes with a short guided meditation and savasana (resting pose). This class is open to all ages and abilities, and the instructor offers variations and modifications to poses so you can customize your experience as needed. Participants must sign a waiver of liability to participate. Dura- tion - 1 hour. Poker Powher Poker Powher is a company led by women for women with the goal of teaching one million women how to play the game of poker, as well as the skills required to play that also predict success in work and life. Poker Powher utilizes game play - not gambling - to help women build confidence, challenge the sta- tus quo, learn strategy and assess risk in a fun, supportive and safe - to - fail environment. By empower- ing women with these skills, the organization plans to change the future for generations. The registration fee also includes an additional four 1 hour classes. Duration - 1 - 1/2 hours. Self-Care for Success and Business This workshop will help you recognize the invisible habits causing you stress and struggle. Learn tips and techniques to eliminate these destructive habits, and replace them with elements of well - being and self - care for an unshakable sense of peace and vitality. Duration - 1 hour.

I Support the Girls We invite you to join WBASNY as we help girls and women experiencing homelessness who do not have access to bras or cannot afford to replace old bras and often have to choose between buying a hot meal or paying for a box of menstrual hygiene products. For this year’s social responsibility project, we are partnering with, "I Support the Girls", ("ISTG"), (https://isupportthegirls.org/). lSTG collects, sorts and distributes these items/products via local organizations that have been previously vetted, allowing women and girls experiencing homelessness, impoverishment, or distress to stand tall with digni- ty. ISTG accepts all kinds of new and gently used bras in good condition, in all sizes from training bras to plus size large bras.

If you are interested in participating, please check yes when you register for the Virtual Convention. In- structions will be sent to you on where to send your donated items/products.

2021 Award Recipients

Betty Weinberg Ellerin Mentoring Award Myrna Felder (New York) Doris S. Hoffman Medal

Hon. Leslie E. Stein (Capital District) Joan L. Ellenbogen Founders Award Hon. Jacqueline W. Silbermann (New York) Marilyn R. Menge Award Maureen Crush, Esq. (Orange-Sullivan) Hanna S. Cohn Pro Bono Award Adrienne J. Orbach, Esq. (Westchester) Doris S. Hoffman Outstanding New Lawyer Award Catherine Gonzalez, Esq. (Brooklyn) Stephanie E. Kupferman Juvenile Justice Award Hon. Helene D. Sacco (Staten Island) Judith S. Kaye Access to Justice Award Hon. Bernice D. Siegal (Queens) Dawn Reid - Green, Esq. – President Deborah G. Rosenthal, Esq. – President - Elect Shari R. Gordon, Esq. – Vice President Dawn A. Lott, Esq. – Vice President Marea L. Wachsman, Esq. -– Vice - President Simone M. Freeman, Esq. – Treasurer Kathleen S. Campbell, Esq. – Corresponding Secretary Madison Porzio, Esq. – Recording Secretary 2021 - 2021 Incoming Officers



�� WBASNY Member

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�� First time attendee

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WBASNY Chapter


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� Virtual Convention Package: (Friday, May 21 - Saturday, May 22) Includes Friday and Saturday Continuing Legal Education Programs, Friday Yoga, Friday Awards Ceremony and Outgoing President’s Reception, Saturday Mindfulness Program, Saturday Plenary Meeting, Saturday Installation Ceremony and Incoming President’s Reception, Virtual Scavenger Hunt, Commemorative Convention Tote Bag

$ 50 = $ _________

CLE P ROGRAMS AND S EMINARS — I plan to attend the following CLE programs:

Friday, May 21 �� Diversity & Inclusion �� Data Security �� Perils of Prenups �� After the Conviction

Saturday, May 22

�� #meThree? �� Whose Baby is it Anyway �� Reasonable Accommodations �� New Frontiers


Gentile Yoga & Meditation

# ____ X $ 0 # ____ X $ 50 # ____ X $ 0 # ____ X $ 0

= $ _________ = $ _________ = $ _________ = $ _________

Poker Powher

Self - Care for Success and Business

Virtual Scavenger Hunt


�� Yes

�� No

SUBTOTAL = $ _________

WBASNY is certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal educa- tion in the State of New York. All programs are transitional. Financial hardship scholarship: Full and partial scholarships for these programs based on financial need are available. A written request must be forwarded to the WBASNY President, Post Office Box 936, New York, NY 10024 - 0546. All requests are confidential.

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