Associate Magazine FBINAA Q1-2023


Science and Innovation Award for Advancement in the Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice Field

Prior award winners cover a wide spectrum of advances. In 2019, a large metropolitan police agency created an open, public portal into crime and service records. The 2020 winner devised a comprehensive community policing campaign that proved highly effective in stemming the occurrence of gift card fraud. In 2021, the selectee was a privately developed computer program that improved communication and feedback between a large suburban community and its service population. In 2022, the award went to a two-pronged training curriculum of de-escala tion and measured use of force which emphasized reporting and accountability. Every year, nominees submit creative programs running the gamut from scientific advances to equipment to closely focused positive police-community interactions. Watch for an announcement around May 1 opening the nomination program. Anyone who wishes to submit a nomina tion must be an NA member, but the winner need not be affili ated with the FBINAA. The award will be presented at the Annual National Training Conference in Denver.

T he purpose of the award is to recognize an individual, an agency, an entity, or a company that makes a significant contribution to the profession through the introduction of a new or vastly improved product, technology, process, or technique. Collaborative efforts can include contributions from govern ment and non-government individuals and companies. Broad examples of such significant contributions include: • New strategies/techniques that streamline services and enhance productivity • New tactics that improve relationships between an agency and the people served • Training programs in line with current trends and subjects of importance • Technological advances in support of law enforcement and criminal justice goals and objectives • New equipment that assists members of the professional community in the performance of their duties However, this is not an all-inclusive list. Use your imagina tion and creativity! 2023 marks the fifth year that the FBINAA Charitable Foundation will present its Science and Innovation Award for Advancement in the Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice Field.

Science and Innovation Award Committee FBINAA Charitable Foundation

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