Alcalá 1964
ALCALA PARK PLAYERS The main concern of the Alcala Park Players is the sponsoring of two full length plays annually. Death Takes A Holiday and The Miracle Worker, this year's pro ductions, offered all who attended first rate entertainment and a chance to sit on cush ions for future productions. The proceeds from these plays were donated to the school for new theater cushions.
Upper left: Miss Brophy, Adele Schroeder, Mary Clarke, and Mary Kay Cowan set the stage for the Alcala Park Players next probuction. Lower left: Scanning program for any necessary changes are Miss Brophy, Pam Alesch, Secretary, Mr. Van Vleck, moderator, Christine Camus, Presi dent, Kathleen Zaworski, Vice President, and Mary B. Schoen, Treasurer.
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