Alcalá 1964

ACTION In the belief that the conflict between Communism and freedom is the gravest problem of our time and that the best meth­ od of meeting this challenge is to have the youth of the nation thoroughly and com­ pletely informed as to its evil dangers and falacies, the campus anti-Communism club, Operation Action, was formed. Meeting bi­ weekly, under the guidance of Mother Mur­ phy, the group strives to recognize the kind of enemy with which Americans now have to deal. • OPERATION

Operation Action officers: Mary B. Schoen, Sec.-Treasurer; Christina Can- well, President; Mother Murphy, Moderator; and Trish Kruse, Vice- President.





KanHTajmcTbi oSbiegnHHioTCH Ha 6opb6y c K omyhh 3 mmom. (Capitalists combine to combat Communism.)


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