Project 2013 Advanced

Lesson 4 - Finalizing a Project

Project 2013



Finalize a project.

Open Roomsprj1 . 1. Filter for all incomplete tasks and mark them complete. Filter again for all tasks. 2. Switch to the Resource Usage view, apply the Cost table, and add the Actual Work field to the view. Correct the actual data for the Plan Approval task under the 2 Manager resource by changing the hours of work for Monday ( M ) and Tuesday ( T ) during the week of June 12,  16 to 5h . (Notice that the cost changed from $1,200 to $1,020.) 3. Switch to the Gantt Chart view and apply the Cost table. View the Variance field and notice that the 2 Plan Approval task cost $420 less than planned. Switch to the Resource Sheet view and apply the Work table. View the Variance field and notice that it took the 2 Manager resource 14 fewer hours than planned to complete all tasks to which it was assigned. 4. Switch to the Gantt Chart view. Create a new project by copying the information for the 1 Create Plan task through the 15 Board Room Complete task. Change all the tasks to 0% complete, remove all constraints, and enter a start date of 8/5/16 . View the project task bars.

5. Use the Window menu to switch back to the Roomsprj1 file. Create a new project by copying only the task names for the 1 Create Plan task through the 22 Install Computers task. Enter a start date of 8/18/16 . 6. Close all open project files without saving them.

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