essentials sinks & taps online brochure january 2019


essentials sinks and taps... For all your sink and tap requirements in the kitchen, essentials has the ideal product for you. The best thing about the essentials range is that it’s all available at an affordable price, meaning you don’t need to compromise quality. The essentials sink range includes stainless steel, granite, glass and ceramic sinks. The tap range includes a pull-out tap, the new Lava and Vulcano 3 in 1 hot taps plus a selection of designer, classic and traditional taps.

03 warranty information 04 stainless steel sinks 08 stainless steel undermount sinks 12 stainless steel round sinks 13 glass sinks 14 ceramic sinks 15 granite undermount / inset sinks

16 granite sinks 17 new sink accessories 18 3 in 1 hot taps 19 new taps & pull-out tap 20 taps

22 sink dimensions 26 tap dimensions


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