The Strand Study Bible


17. Why God allows believers to be tried and tested (Jms 1:3) 18. The benefits of becoming a believer (Jn 20:17a) 19. Seven steps to better living ( ECCLESIASTES “MINI” SERIES) 20. Better to trust in God than in government (Psa 118:8) 21. The doctrine of the Bible (Lk 11:51) 22. Why the Bible was written in a logical order (Prov 24:14 and I Cor 14:40) 23. The Bible Code discovery (Mt 5:18) 24. What binds the basic elements of all matter together? (Colo 1:17) 25. Birthdays in the Bible (Mk 6:21) 26. Bitterness (Gen 27:34 and Heb 12:15b) 27. What does it mean to blaspheme the HOLY GHOST ? (Mt 12:31-32) 28. Why the Jews were forbidden to eat blood (Lev 17:12) 29. The coming four blood moons (Lk 21:11) 30. What is the Book of Life ? (Phil 4:3 and Rev 22:19) 31. Buddhism (began in India c. 500 BC) ( Religious Note after Dan 4:33 & Jn 4:24b) C 1. Calvinism (I Pet 1:2a, Mt 28:19a, Romans 9 Subject Head and II Thes 2:13) 2. Catholicism (began in Asia Minor c. AD 313) (Jn 4:24b & I Cor 3:13a) 3. Cavemen ? (Job 30:6)

4. How to learn biblical character (Isa 1:17) 5. The Charismatic Movement (Acts 10:44) 6. How to avoid chastisement (Jere 2:9) 7. Children under the age of accountability are considered safe in Jesus (I Sam 3:7) 8. Three reasons why God does not choose some people to go to Heaven and others to go to Hell (Mt 28:19a) 9. The doctrine of CHRIST ( OT MESSIAH ) ( PSALMS “MINI” SERIES) 10. Christianity begins with the “promise” of CHRIST ( HIStorical note after Gen 3:15) 11. Christianity verses religion (Gen 3:15a & Jn 4:24b & Gal 3:1-3) 12. Should a Christian celebrate Christmas ? (Jere 10:3-4) 13. The doctrine of the Church (Mt 16:18d) 14. God will not change our circumstances until the circumstances in our lives change us (Job 42:10) 15. Why God established civil government (Gen 9:6) 16. How America established their civil government (Isa 33:22) 17. The first color mentioned in Scripture (Gen 1:30) 18. What is common grace ? (Mt 5:45) 19. The importance of compassion (Jude 1:22) 20. How to deal with conflict (Prov 20:3) 21. How to resolve conflict (Lk 17:1) 22. Confucianism (began in China c. 497 BC) ( Religious Note after Dan 8:27) 23. How did our seven continents come to be? (Job 22:16) 24. Are there contradictions in the Bible? (II Pet 1:16) 25. Contrasting the eternality of God with the brevity of men (Psa 90:4) 26. The first mention of copper in Scripture (Ezra 8:27) 27. 3 Corinthians (Lk 11:51) 28. Corporeal punishment? (Prov 20:30 and I Ki 1:6) 29. God uses two means of correction to bring about godly results in His people (II Chro 33:10-13 and Jere 24:5) 30. Correspondence of Paul and Seneca (Lk 11:51) 31. How to know when you are being counseled wrongly (I Ki 22:12) 32. What kind of courage is needed to enter Canaan, i.e., the Land of Total Surrender (Josh 1:6) 33. The awful sin of covetousness (Mt 19:22 and Phil 4:11) 34. The six days of creation (Gen 1:3a & 1:6a & 1:12 & 1:14a & 1:20 & 1:24a) 35. Why did God create man? (Gen 2:17b, Ezk 28:12, Rev 12:12, Isa 6:2 and Jere 9:2) 36. Five logical reasons why man shouldn’t question God’s motive for why he was created (Rom 1:21a – point #1/part 3) 37. If God created everything, who created God? (Deut 29:29) 38. Is cremation scriptural? (I Sam 31:12) D

1. Seven d’s that point to D-Day ( CHRIST’S SECOND COMING ) (Lk 18:8) 2. Why Daniel and Revelation should be read together (after Rev 3:5c) 3. Daniel’s Seventieth Week (Dan 9:24-27)


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